Chapter 59: Need Her

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DAMIEN POV (Earlier that day)


A few seconds passed.


"No." I pulled the blanket and hugged my pillow.

"Damien. You can't just stay here all day." Violet came over and pulled the blanket off.


"Because." Violet tried to grab the pillow from my grasp, but I held on tight. "Let. GO."

"NO. I love her." I hugged the pillow tighter.

"It's a fucking pillow." Violet grabbed the pillow.

I turned around to face her. "I haven't slept alone in almost 4 months. 4 MONTHS, VIOLET!"

"I know, you big baby. You're the idiot that chased her away." Violet sat down on the edge of the bed.

I sat upright. "You think she'll come back? Do you think I ruined it?"

"Of course she'll come back. She just needs some time to cool off." Violet said.

"Did you check on her?" I asked.

"Yes. She's staying at that guy, Ryder's, place. The one who works at the bar." Violet looked down at her phone.

"Should I go pick her up? I can probably find his address in Vince's office. I-"

Violet interrupted. "Let her have some time for herself. She just needs space right now."

"What do you think they-"

Violet whipped her head to look at me. "What is with you thinking Naya is cheating on you? She loves you for fuck's sake! She's been with your annoying ass for the past 4, almost 5 months. I'm honestly surprised she didn't run away earlier."

I scrunched my eyebrows at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You suffocate her, Damien. I know there's no such thing as loving someone too much, but you somehow do that. You don't let her do anything on her own. She was bound to get tired of it eventually." Violet grabbed a pillow and hugged it against her chest.

I looked down at the bed. "She yelled at me about that yesterday too." I looked at Violet. "Am I a terrible boyfriend?"

"No. You're great, Damien. But no one can be perfect. You just have to understand that Naya is her own person. You don't own her. She needs space."

I leaned my head back against the headboard. "I'm so stupid."

"I know." I felt a weight leave the bed as Violet stood up. "Now, get up. Rocco's probably gonna be here any second."

Just then, the doorbell rang. We both stared at each other.

"3...2...1." Violet counted down

"Damien, you better be awake or I'll pull you out of that bed myself." I heard the front door open as Rocco started yelling.

A few seconds later, he walked in. Rocco ran to the bed and jumped at my feet. "Ah. Family reunion in Damien's room." He propped his elbow up and leaned his head against it.

"One person is missing." I quietly said.

"It's your fault, asshole. You practically treated her like a dog." Rocco said.

"Even you think that." I groaned.

"Dude. Everyone thinks that. I don't remember the last time I saw her somewhere without you."

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