Chapter 63: What Now?

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I was currently preparing some dinner. Violet had actually just visited and I talked to her. I missed spending time with her.

I had spilled some pasta sauce on my clothes, so I ended up needing the change. Unfortunately, I had worn all my pajamas, so I had to borrow Ryder's clothes. He was at the bar right now, but I wasn't sure when his shift ended. Just then, I got a text from him.

ryder: lost my keys. can you open the door for me? i'm coming up rn

I heard the doorbell ring, so I quickly washed my hands and dried them on a towel.

I opened the door, expecting to see my friend, but instead, I was met with the face of the man I had not seen in days.

"Damien?" My throat felt like it was closing again, just like the night it all happened.

"Naya. Please let me talk." He looked at me with pleading eyes

"Why? Why are you here?" I barely whispered out. My heart was beating fast, and I was shaking.

"I need to tell you something. Just let me in for a few minutes. Please, Belle." Damien put his hand on the door to prevent me from closing it.

I stared at him for a few minutes and finally opened the door wider. Damien stepped in and walked towards the living room. I closed the door and followed, but kept a large distance between us. I crossed my arms in front of me to stop myself from shivering.

"Darling. Please listen to me." Damien started walking towards me, but I backed away.

"Don't come closer." I put my arms out in front of me, and Damien stopped.

"I'm begging you." Damien pleaded. I noticed how red his eyes were, and his hair was out of place.

"How could you, Damien?" The first tear fell down my cheek. "How could you just go to another girl just like that? One argument and it's over. And of all the people, ZOE! You went to Zoe!"

"Belle, it-"

"Don't. You're lucky I'm even talking to you right now." I interrupted. "I TRUSTED YOU! I trusted you with everything. You know, you were my first real boyfriend." I let out a little laugh through the tears. "I had one in high school, but we ended it 1 month into the relationship. But you. You and I were real. Well, that's what I thought."

I continued. "I remember the first time we met. I was a klutz who ended up running into you. And then you saved me from that guy at the grocery store." I looked out the window. "I was actually at the grocery store a few hours ago. Some guy was staring at me, so I left." I saw Damien clench his fists. "It's crazy how I always end up in such vulnerable situations. But you always seemed to be there for me."

"It's kinda like one of the building blocks of our relationship. Well, it was." I traced my finger along the couch, then looked up at him. "I loved you, Damien. No. I can't lie. I still love you. I keep asking myself why? My heart asks "why love someone who hurt you?" But my brain keeps replaying the memories we had. When we dressed up like that couple and stole the money. When we danced on the roof of that restaurant and then came home to the perfect night. When we baked those cupcakes and ended up putting too much sugar in the icing. Even just sleeping in your arms, knowing you're holding me is enough. It's every girl's dream."

Damien took a few steps towards me. "We can still have that, Belle."

"How Damien? HOW?" I raised my voice.

"Naya." He paused. "I'd KILL for you!" He raised his arms in frustration as he walked closer to me. "HELL. I ALREADY DID!" Damien was now standing a foot away from me. He grabbed my hands. "What you saw that night was not what you thought. I didn't kiss Zoe. I was drinking and I went into my office to take a breath. She came in, and she forced herself on me. I tried to push her off, and you came in right then. You know how she constantly tries to get in our way. I would NEVER cheat on you. I wouldn't even forgive myself if I ever did such a thing to you."

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