4.2K 63 9

Hey, besties!!

Promises is actually done! I still can't believe it. Writing this was so much fun. Even though most of you found my book towards the end, I'm so glad you joined me through this writing journey. As I stated in the Author's Note in the beginning, this was my first ever written book and I was so nervous to even post it. I remember starting it off on Google Docs, but I wasn't sure if I should keep going and if people would actually read it. But it all worked out in the end.

I just want to thank all you readers. Reading your comments was so fun and motivated me to post and edit properly. Thank you all for voting as well! Also, I just want to thank the silent readers too! You helped in promoting this book as well.


Q & A

Will there be a sequel?

~ As of right now, the answer is no. BUT, that doesn't mean I won't post in the future. I feel like I ended Damien and Naya's story on a high note. However, there is potential for their story to expand. When I write, I personally like to have the entire plot and major events set out before starting because I don't want to start something and then not finish it because I didn't like it or couldn't expand more. If I do decide to write one, it will probably be posted after August. I do not want to get your hopes up, so just remember the answer is no for now.

Will I be writing other stories?

~ I will be completely honest. I do have some ideas, but I still want to grow on them more before starting to write them. In tie with the sequel question, I am not sure if I would post another book first or a sequel- just depends on which I feel more confident in building on. I'm also about to be a senior in high school, so I have a big focus on college applications right now, which would also probably push posting anything until after those are submitted.

Do I have any book recommendations?

~ Just check out my reading lists. I have about a hundred books in my library lol, so I'll probably be updating those with more books throughout time.


If you guys have any other questions, just comment here or DM me on Wattpad or Tiktok (same usernames). I don't have notifications on for either of them, so if I don't respond within a few days, just HMU again. 

Lastly, I would be so grateful if you guys could share my book with your friends or even promote it on Tiktok (just tag me too). I'd love to get more readers to see this story!

Again, thank you so much to everyone who read Promises. Love you all!!



(P.S. If you want to stay updated on my writing, I'd recommend you follow me on Wattpad so you see whatever I post.)

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