Bonus Chapter

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"Do you think-"

Violet put her finger on my lips. "Girl, if another word comes out of your mouth, I'm leaving you with half your makeup done."

My eyes widened as I looked at her and I quickly shook my head.

"Good. Now stop asking questions. Relax. It's your wedding day. You're literally marrying the guy who killed I-don't-even-remember how many people for you. There's no way in hell he's saying no." Violet grabbed a brush and put some blush on my cheeks.

It's my wedding day.

It had been about 8 months since Damien had proposed. We were having a small wedding with just the gang and a couple of people from my work. I had been waiting for this for so long, and now that it was here, I was so nervous and unsure of what to accept. All I was confident in was the fact that I would say "I do."

As my best friend, Violet was of course my maid of honor and the person in charge of getting me ready.

She picked up a lipstick, put it on my lips, and smiled. "There" She spun me around in the chair, so I was facing the mirror.

I nearly didn't recognize myself in the mirror. "Holy cow."

"You look beautiful, Naya." I looked in the mirror to see Rocco standing at the doorway.

"Why are you here?" Violet turned around.

Rocco put his hands up in surrender. "I was just checking on the bride."

"The bride is about to go put on her dress. She is doing great. Right?" Violet raised an eyebrow, staring at me.

I nodded, kind of scared but the flood of worry overcame me. "But what do you think is going on in Damien's head right now? Do you think he'll say yes? Oh, god. What-"

Violet put her hands on my shoulders. "I would tackle you right now, but I spent hours on your hair and makeup, so I'm not gonna ruin it." She turned to Rocco. "Tell her to stop worrying."

"Hun." Rocco walked over to me. "Stop worrying. I'm gonna say it as plain as it can be. That man is obsessed with you. The whole world could be on fire and he would still only care about you." He paused. "Damien killed for you. You guys are stuck together no matter what. No coming back from that." He bent down to whisper to me. "And you didn't hear this from me, but he spent the last week literally practicing how he would say 'I do'. Two words. Drove me insane."

I laughed at Rocco's last statement.

"Thank you." I smiled and reached up to hug him.

Just then his phone rang. Rocco pulled it out of his pocket and panic instilled him.

"Oh shit. Speak of the devil himself." He accepted the call. "Hey, Damien. What's up. How you doin? I just left to take a quick pee break." Rocco stopped to listen and fear came over his face. "I'm coming. I'm coming. Sorry. Sorry. I'll never leave you again. I'll stick by your side forever. Till the grave. But, by the look on Naya's face, I don't think she would like that. I mean, whaaat? Naya? Who's that. Never heard of her. Definitely not with her right now. Ahaha. You're funny. Ok, I'm coming now. Bye. Or see you in like 2 minutes. Ok, bye."

Rocco shoved his phone in his pocket. "Got to go make sure Damien doesn't shit himself and, more importantly, murder me. I'll see you inside." He ran out of the room, before letting me answer.

Violet rolled her eyes and turned to me. "Ok. Time for your dress."



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