Chapter 2: Are you an American Idiot?

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Chapter 2: Are you an American Idiot?

Hey guys:) Thanks for reading the first chapter (and now the second). Enjoy x.

Today was the day. 

I had spent all of last night packing my things and even made a list, with cute, little check boxes beside them, to make sure that I did not forget anything in all my excitement. Although the flight to London was in the evening, I learnt from past experiences to get my packing done early because my mom spends forever packing. No, I'm not exaggerating.

Getting mine done early meant more time for me to help her with hers so that she didn't get all stressed out and moody.

We finally finished packing all of her things and I even had to sit on top of the luggage bag just to zip it up. Boy, did that bag weigh a ton! My mom wasn't really the kind of person to pack what she needed. She was the kind who packed what she thought she would need...

When travelling to another country...

To live on their streets.

I'm not even kidding. She seems to forget the fact that we are actually going to live in a hotel room once we get to London. Whenever I bluntly remind her of this fact (which I have for about nearly 20 times now), she would would shrug it off as a "just in case" precaution.

Why are you packing bathing towels? Just in case. Why are you packing soap and shampoo? Just in case. Shower cap, really? Just in case. You sure you'll need ten extra pairs of clothing? Just in case.

After which, I stopped bothering to question her rationality.

A blanket and a washing machine later, we finally left home. 

Okay...I kid, the washing machine wouldn't fit in the luggage. But if it did, I swear she would've packed it somehow.

We were a little late when we left for the airport but amazingly, we reached the airport at the time that we had originally planned to.

"They're here." 

I recognised that deep voice to be none other than Ron's and spotted his built self walking towards my mom and I. All of those years of rugby sure turned his scrawny younger self to the guy I see in front of me today. But the smile on his face was still the same old goofy Ron.

"Are you serious? I'm here? No way!" I exclaimed with mock surprise and enthusiasm as I frantically touched my face and arms. 

At this point, I should warn you that I live and breathe sarcasm. So naturally, Ron has gotten used to it and graced my sarcasm with a playful roll of his eyes.

"Yeah okay, smartass," was his brilliant response.

"Language," my mom scolded but one look at the smile on her face and we knew she was just kidding.

We proceeded to greet all the others there. Namely, Aunt Lila who pulled me in for a hug followed by Veronica who gave me a smile and a 'hi' which I gladly returned because minimal conversation with her was what I was aiming for.

"We are still waiting for Shane and Nina to arrive then we can check in our luggages," Aunt Lila told my mom before gesturing for us to sit on the empty seats that were scattered around the area.

I pushed the luggage to a row of empty blue plastic chairs before plopping down with a huff on the seat at the very end. Wow, my mom's luggage really is heavy. Looking around, I realised that everyone else were either busy or chatting idly with one another so I decided to observe my surroundings which was something I did not have the chance to do since I arrived.

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