Chapter 6: How Could Someone Be So Bipolar

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Chapter 6: How Could Someone Be So Bipolar

Hey guys new chapter that I loved typing<3 Enjoy x.

        We were 2 hours into the nearly ten hour flight, according to the pilot. I had a window seat which made the journey even better than it already was. I stopped the rolling of credits for the LEGO movie and proceeded to find another movie to watch. Did you watch the LEGO movie yet? I actually cried like a baby towards the end that you'd think I was watching A Walk To Remember or something like that. But it's okay because only my mom was beside me to judge. I officially love that movie.

        While I was deciding between Inception and Shutter Island, I heard the rolling of trolleys. A few rows before me, air stewardesses were wearing kind smiles and asking the passengers for their desired meal option. Quickly, I pulled out the simple menu that was tucked in the front pocket area before me and started examining my choices.

        Hmm, spaghetti bolognaise or rice with roasted chicken? Both sounded good to me. Actually, I loved airplane food. I know many who did not like it, my mom being one of them, but I beg to differ. Maybe it's the cute little containers that they're packed in or the ability to watch my favorite shows while eating it, but I felt happy eating airplane food.

        After much deliberation, I decided on good ol' spaghetti. I decided not to watch a movie but a TV show while I ate so that I wouldn't need to focus a hundred percent of my attention on the screen. And so began an episode of Modern Family showing the Dunphy's residences. I unwrapped the aluminum foil from my dish and brought the white rectangular container close to my chest as I watched Phil talking to the camera.

        Two episodes of Modern Family later, I was done with my meal with an empty tray. Yes, I even drank the water they gave in addition to the coke that I had. I went on to look at my mom's progress. Well, she had a piece of bread left on her plate but other than that she was done too.

        She glanced at me and noticed me looking at her tray, she waved her hand at the tray and I smiled in return. That was a sign that I could have whatever I want on the tray. We have perfected the art of mother-daughter sign language over the years, as you can see. So I took the bread and the mini butter that came with it. Wouldn't want a good bread to go to waste now, would I?

        Okay, never mind. Just...don't judge me.

        The trays were collected and I continued with my initial idea of watching a movie. So where was I? Yes, Inception or Shutter Island? I picked Inception after much deliberation.

        About 2 hours later,  the credit for the movie was rolling too and I was in my 'oh shit' mode because I was imagining of all the possibilities the ending suggests. No matter how many times I've watched that movie, the ending always gets me. How can they do that to me? They can't just leave it spinning. I need to know what happens to the characters! Urgh, why do I still watch this movie when it does this to me?

        Oh right, because I love it and am a masochist.

        I did feel a little sleepy after all that thinking. But hey, sleep is for the weak....when it comes to airplanes. So instead of sleeping like what many of the passengers were doing, I was browsing through the music collection that the flight had.

        I especially loved this part of the flight. Where it was dark, peaceful and quiet, and no one would disturb you while you were in the toilet.....but I digress. I landed on a song I absolutely loved and pressed play. The starting beat came on and I was bobbing my head to it. I looked to my right and my mom was sound asleep and so were the passengers across the isle.

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