Chapter 16: It's Going To Get Messy

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Chapter 16: It's Going To Get Messy

Hey guys new chapter! Enjoy x.

 It was nearly half past one in the afternoon when we finished our lunch in a random bistro that we found near the Eye and was brainstorming on how we could spend the rest of the day.

 "There is this river tour that they have, what do you guys think?" Aunt Lila asked.

 "What's the tour about?" My mom questioned.

 "It just takes us down both sides of the river-", Aunt Lila pointed towards her left and right,"-and lets us see the attractions from the boat and know more about them."

 "That sounds nice." I piped up as I leaned back in my seat, full from the steak that I had.

 "Yeah! So I was thinking we could do that at around five and then all we have to think about now is what to do for the three hours that we still have?" Aunt Lila enthused while checking her watch.

 "The Big Ben is nearby along with Westminster, I'm sure we could kill loads of time there." Ron suggested before looking at me and we shared a secret smile. Ron and I have talked about going up the steps of the tower to actually see the bell inside that is called the Big Ben. Many make the mistake of taking the enormous clock on the tower to be Big Ben when in actuality, the bell inside is the real Big Ben.

 "Why are you smiling like a creep?" I turned my gaze from Ron to the idiot who was eyeing the secretive smiles that Ron and I had.

 "Takes one to know one." I smirked at the curiosity that burned in his dark brown depths and the playfulness in them as he narrowed his eyes at me. I know I didn't answer his question at all but I just felt like keeping him in the dark for fun. And also because the food in my system made me lazy. So explaining things to him was currently considered a strenuous activity.

 Okay, I may have exaggerated it a little.

 Confirming the plan that we agreed on, we made our way out of the bistro and proceeded to get tickets for the mini-cruise later. Once that was done, we walked across Westminster Bridge to get to our desired location.

 But of course, it took us nearly thirty minutes to cross the bridge, which would usually take a normal person like ten minutes to cross, because everyone wanted to take pictures with each other with Westminster and Big Ben as the backdrop. While everyone else was busy doing that, I busied myself with taking pictures of the scenery, without anyone posing for the picture because I prefer taking pictures like that.

 I think Ron was covering for me when it came to my mom's requests of taking pictures. I quickly scanned my surroundings to spot Ron. Ah, there he is. Thank goodness for his niceness. Genuine niceness. Not like the idiot's concept of being nice.

 No, he shouldn't have the honour of invading my thoughts despite how annoying and infuriating and sometimes, like once in a blue moon, sort of nice...

 Stop it and focus on the picture.

 Right, the picture.

 I snapped a few more shots before walking off together with the rest of the group. Suddenly, I felt an arm snake its way around my shoulders and without even looking, I could somehow tell it was Shane. And we both spun around, well more like he turned and dragged me with him, such that Westminster was behind us and he lifted his camera.

 "Smile, Kay Bear."

 "What? Shane, n...", but there was a little click from the camera.

 Shane checked the picture and let out a laugh.

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