Chapter 12: I Need A Wall

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Chapter 12: I Need A Wall

Hey guys, new chapter! Enjoy x.

        I’m pretty sure all seven of us were gaping up at the building before us in complete awe. This place could be a palace or a mansion or just something for royalty! I knew that Harrods was an upmarket shopping store but I didn’t think it was going to be like this.

        “Are you guys going to stand there all day?”

        All of our heads snapped towards Veronica who asked the question. I could see the excitement in her eyes as she turned to walk into the palace….I mean department store. We trailed behind Veronica. All of us wanted to view different areas of the store and some of us didn’t know what they wanted….ahem, me.

        Gathering in an empty area by a wall, we agreed to meet up at the same spot after an hour and a half. Well, I wouldn’t need that much time to look around but I’m sure all the moms and Veronica needed as much time as they could get.

        Apparently, the moms and Veronica formed a group who actually wanted to get some serious shopping done. So you can guess the other team, I’m sure. Ron, Shane and I formed the look-around-and-probably-not-buy-anything team.

        I actually thought Veronica would be on our team – not that I’m complaining or anything – because Shane was here. But I guess shopping was higher up than boys on her priorities list.

        “Honey, here’s some cash in case you need some.” My mom took out some notes from her wallet.

        “It’s okay Aunt, I’ve got it covered for her.” Ron, always the sweet guy, told my mom, as he gently pushed the money my mom was about to give me, back to my mom.

        My mom gave Ron a stern look although everyone knew she wouldn’t win this battle. I probably wouldn’t buy anything so the money would be unnecessary, hence I didn’t bother countering Ron in his offer.

        “And I’ve got cash on me too so we got her covered.” Shane voiced from beside me, causing me to jump a little. There it was again. His hand, on my lower back. I should probably remove it.

        No, don’t. You know you don’t want to.

        For the umpteenth time, shut up brain.

        “Why does everyone assume I have no money on me?” I threw my hands up in exasperation. When I brought them back down, I swiftly smacked Shane’s hand off my back. I could feel his gaze flicker to me but it returned to the moms almost immediately.

        I looked up and saw Shane giving his usual angelic smile as if he could never do anything wrong ever. I rolled my eyes at him. I guess he saw me from the side of his eyes because the smile on his face transformed into a smirk as he continued looking at the moms. I diverted my attention back to my mom who was giving me the I-know-something-you-don’t smile and her eyes darted between Shane and I. An idiot could’ve guessed what she was thinking. I discreetly shook my head, telling her that it’s not what she thought. At all.

        But her smile just widened and she announced that her group was going to start off, but not before slyly giving me a wink. My face contorted in disgust. How could she even think that? Shane and I? Ha, that would be a nice April Fool’s joke. I’m not his type and he’s not my type. I thought my mom would be able to see that at first sight but obviously not. But she basically gets excited when it comes to any guy that talks or even looks at me, which was super embarrassing.

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