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I love you guys. You know I do. But I'm so sorry, this is not an update. But I've got a few important things....very important things to ask and I was hoping you guys could help me out :)

Firstly, do you guys know of any good translation app (basically ones that can translate English phrases more accurately that GTranslate can)? Because I am in desperate need of translating some phrases from English to Khmer (language in Cambodia) and if u do know any translators (human or app) that do that, then please by all means pm me.

Secondly, my mom is heading to Norway in a few days and she has assigned me to help her gather information. If you've read my first few chapters of That's Common Sense, you'll learn that my mom is not very good with technology and hence this 'looking up stuff' portion is usually assigned to me. Of course. Anyway, let me just list down a few things she'd like to know from people who live there or have been there before.
1. What's the weather like? Is it very windy or chilly right now? (this is her gauge for how thick her jacket that she brings needs to be)
2.  What's the currency used there? Can euros be used there by tourists?
3. What places should she visit? (she doesn't do very physical stuff so if it involves hiking or trekking then nevermind. Actually you can just tell me, then it'll be for myself XD she said she would be moving around Norway so the locations that you suggest doesn't have to be limited to a single city!

Last but not least, I should update you guys on myself. I'M DYING. I did PHYSICAL LABOUR for 2 whole days and now I'm just lying here. But you know what, what hurts my feet doesn't hurt my brain. So if I have time tomorrow, I'll use this thing up here *points at head* and continue typing out chapter 28 of Only In London (yes,  I have part of the chapter already written. And yes, it involves a lot of Dylan, Shane and Kay ;)

Your dying writer


P.S. I feel so happy and lucky and grateful to have readers like you guys. And getting me to 3.6K was just a 'YOU DID WHAT NOW' moment for me.

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