Chapter 15: That Was The Perfect Word

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Chapter 15: That Was The Perfect Word

Hey guys new and slightly long chapter! Enjoy x.

Kayla’s POV

        I pulled down the sleeves of my baby pink sweater that reached the middle of my forearm. I had pushed it up when I started on my breakfast but now that I was done with it, I pulled it back down. My mom and I were sat together with Nina while Aunt Lila and the others were at another table.

        I actually quickly grabbed the seat with my mom at the three-seater table so that I didn’t have to sit at the same table as Shane. Part of me was still pissed off for him getting angry and assuming things about me when he doesn’t know a thing about me. But the other half of me is genuinely curious and wants to find out what drove him to act that way.

        As I walked to the four-seater table Aunt Lila was at, my heart thumped in my chest and I could feel a certain someone’s gaze burning a hole through me. I was determined not to look at him though and just ask Aunt Lila what the plan for today was.

        “Hey Aunt Lila.”

        “Hey sweetie. Do you need something?”

        “No, not really. I was just wondering where we were going today.” I asked as I rested my arms on the back of Ron’s seat so that I could look directly at Aunt Lila as I talked to her. Shane was sitting beside Ron and I was tempted to take a peek at him but I mentally berated myself at the thought of it.

        “We’ll go to the London Eye first then we could see the attractions that are near it as well.”

        I made a mental note to check that I had everything for my camera because the place that we were going today was a goldmine for stunning photographs and I wouldn’t want to miss out on that opportunity.

        “Do you need me to find the way there?”

        “Thank you sweetie, you know I’ll trust you blindly when it comes to directions!” she joked causing Ron and I to laugh. Veronica gave the usual roll of her eyes which I duly ignored. It’s a usual thing for her to do that whenever her mom compliments me or anything of that sort. As for Shane well I didn’t look at him for his reaction.

        I took out the pocket map that Dylan handed to me yesterday and used Ron’s back as a mini table. I found the closest station to the Eye while Ron played with the bracelets on my wrist. I pin-pointed a few possible routes to get there but I wanted to know the fastest one so I decided to head over to the receptionist.

        “I need to go make sure of the way there.” I whispered to Ron as I patted the side of his face with the hand that contained the bracelets. He nodded his head and sent a charming smile my way as he let my hand go.

        “I’ll come with you.” That was the first time Shane spoke in the whole while that I’ve been over at their table.

        “I don’t think that would be necessary.” I said eyeing him in a way that said ‘don’t even think about it’. I couldn’t help but to take in his appearance as I looked at him. He had on a pair of jeans like me, except mine was the fitting kind. He wore a blue and grey striped top with long black sleeves that highlighted his toned arms.

        I snapped out of my daze when I heard his reply. “It wasn’t a question.”

        My eyes snapped back up to meet his bold gaze that held a hint of amusement in them as he cocked a brow in a questioning manner. Please don’t let him think I was checking him out! His ego was already bigger than the Eye itself, there is no need to make it even larger!

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