Chapter 35: The Son-In-Law

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Chapter 35: The Son-In-Law

Enjoy x.

Kayla's POV

"Wow, you're right mom, this restaurant does have a dust of class to it." I said, mimicking her words from earlier. I looked around the spacious area to find tables adorned with champagne coloured tablecloths and warm, amber bulbs hanging from the ceiling. It was quite breath-taking and I could not help the smile that found its way to my lips as I stared in admiration at the beauty of the place. Lucky for me, the other customers were not dressed too formally, just proper for a casual evening dinner out.

As a waiter led us to a table, I realized that even they were dressed smartly. With white dress shirts, black pants or skirts and a button up vest, they looked sharp. And it did not hurt that the one serving us was not too harsh on the eyes either.

What, I was born with eyes and female hormones!

I looked up at the waiter and noticed the slightly tousled texture to his hair. It was as if he wanted to rebel a tad bit against the sleek look the waiters were suppose to wear. It did look great on him though. But Shane's way of doing it could beat his any day.

Okay, Kayla. Don't need to obsess over the idiot here who already has too big of an ego.

See, my brain has got my back. Well, sometimes at least.

Instinctively, I looked over at Shane. I watched as his gaze followed the back of the waiter. I could already feel the heat of his gaze and it wasn't even directed at me.

"Honey, are you okay?" I heard Nina ask as she looked at her son with a knowing look in her eye.

"Yeah, I'm fine," was his reply as he gave her a smile and sat down at the table, beside me.

Why did he need to sit beside me? I swear if he tries anything funny, I'm going to castrate him. As if it is not already hard enough to keep whatever it is we are hidden from everyone else.

I felt a presence beside me and pivoted my head to find Ron taking the other seat beside me at the round table. I gave him a smile and he returned it.

"Ron, do you want to sit over here instead?" Veronica asked as she patted the seat beside her. Her tone made it sound more like a command rather than a question.

Should I have felt slightly pissed off? Because I did.

Does she feel like I'm stealing her brother away from her or something? Why does she always try separating Ron and I? I have tried racking my brain for years looking for the answer to those questions but I just cannot find the answer.

Does she genuinely think I'm a bad person for Ron to be around? Ah, screw it. I should not care about what she thinks of me.

I repeated that mantra in my head.

"I think I'll be fine here," Ron replied, a tense smile on his face. I noticed how Veronica's eyes narrowed infinitesimally at Ron's reply.

"I think it'll be easier for you to get over and sit here." Veronica said, emphasizing on 'easier' and 'get over'. I looked back and forth between Veronica and Ron. I watched how Ron's lips formed a thin line and how the two of them seemed to have a mental conversation. I caught Veronica's eyes darting to me and then back at Ron in the middle of their mental conversation and I gave her a bored look but on the inside, I was a curious mess.

"Like I said Ver, I appreciate the concern but I'll be fine."

"Whatever." A sigh escaped her lips as she sat down and rolled her eyes. Feeling my eyes on her, she gave me a second's worth of her venomous glare that I gladly reciprocated with an eye roll of mine.

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