Chapter 22: Benedict Cumberbatch Obviously!

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Chapter 22: Benedict Cumberbatch Obviously!

New chapter gahh!! Enjoy x.

Shane's POV

Baker Street.

That was what we were standing before.

And really, I have to thank Ron for his help. I remember scratching my head, thinking of where I would bring Kayla to. It had to be somewhere memorable, somewhere she would love, somewhere where that beautiful smile of hers would grace her lips.

Ron told me to think about what she loved and about the look on her face that I wanted to repeat.

I recalled the way her eyes twinkled when we were at Madame Tussauds and the way she kept on talking about the Marvel characters. I wanted to see that shine in her eyes again instead of her cold glares at me which I deserved thanks to my stupidity. So I decided to bring her somewhere she would be able to connect with characters that she loves. I also vividly recalled the way she stared at the Scotland Yard building; her eyes never leaving it for a second in the bus. There was a glow in her.

I still remember how I was telling myself that I wasn't in the best of moods for that ride because Ron seemed to purposely sit beside Kayla instead of me. Oh, I was so naïve. I probably knew somewhere in me that it was because my Kay Bear was sitting beside him rather than beside me. Instead, I had Veronica keeping her claws around my arm for the entire ride.

Coming back to this moment, every and any thought was thrown out of my head at this moment. I couldn't focus on anything else but the petite frame against me. Hugging me. My body froze when she threw her arms around me. I wasn't ready for it. I was still soaking up her glittery smile when she surprised me with a hug.

Not that I was complaining.

She felt warm and fragile. I wanted nothing more than for her to remain there as I felt myself relaxing into her embrace as I moved my arms such that they were around her small waist.

"Thank you."

Her voice was raspy and her breath was warm against my ear. An involuntary shiver travelled through my spine and I prayed that she did not notice anything.

Did she, by any chance, feel the way I did? I wondered.

I was being ridiculous. She was just overjoyed is all. She probably does this all the time to other people too when she was excited.

A few seconds later, her head snapped back as if a thought had struck her. She immediately removed her arms from my neck and stared at the street, the ground, the lanes...anywhere but at me. Her actions confused me. Did she regret what she just did? Sure looked like it. However, there was a small hopeful voice in the back of my head that kept telling me that the rose dusting on her cheeks showed otherwise.

As cute as she looked then, I knew that she probably didn't mean to hug me. I ignored the piercing I felt in me at the thought of her doing the same thing to so many other guys. She'll probably do the same to Dylan if he had brought her here.

Speaking of that prick, I can't forget what he told me this morning.

"You like her, huh?" I snapped my head back to him. I was just about to leave the desk but it seems he still wanted to chat.

"That's none of your business." I replied defensively.

"Well, okay but I'd advise you to keep her close if you don't want other guys whisking her away." He said with a smirk that transformed into a cheeky grin once he took in my unamused expression and the clenching of my teeth.

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