Chapter 21: He Picked The Perfect One

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Chapter 21: He Picked The Perfect One

Hey guys new chapter! Enjoy x.

Kayla's POV

Did I ever mention how much I loved watching Shane be nervous? Well, if I haven't then now would be a good time to mention that it could melt anyone's heart when he was nervous. The way he fidgeted with his fingers and rubbed his neck while looking anywhere but directly at me was adorable. Yes, I called him adorable. Just cut me some slack here. If you saw his face just now, you would know that I would be lying if I said that you could still hate him in that moment.

Wait a minute.

I was supposed to be pissed off at him. And I just said yes to a day out with him tomorrow. How am I going to spend the day with him and be angry with him at the same time? I wanted to just forget about what he did but it would be too easy for him if I did that. So after slapping myself several times for falling for his adorable nervousness, I gave myself a pep talk to block myself from his abilities to make me forget about my anger.

I was nervous for tomorrow. How would it be like to spend a day with him? What are we going to do? But those questions also made me excited.

Most of all though, I was scared. What if I find myself getting too close to him? I can't let that happen. I can't give him the power to do what my ex did to me. Not again. I've learnt from my mistakes. Although deep down, I had a gut feeling that I would be betraying my own words sooner or later and it was getting harder to push away the stupid churning of my insides whenever that feeling came up.

Ha. Look at me. Why am I even thinking about that? It's not like Shane would see me in that way I mean look at him. He has girls falling at his feet who would give him whatever he wants. Why bother with someone like me who's the total opposite?

I let out a humourless chuckle at myself, halting my thoughts before they got too far.


The next day I woke up feeling more nervous than anything else. So many questions were swirling in my head but the one which was at the top was: what do I wear? He never told me where we were going or if he even knew where we were going.

After much deliberation, I pulled on a black and white striped long-sleeved shirt and tucked it into a pair of black jeans that I loved, deciding not to do anything with my hair and letting it fall in its messy waves.

 The moms were still asleep because they had planned to go shopping later in the day, together with Veronica and Ron. My mom was sad at first that I wouldn't be joining her for shopping today (which I was secretly thankful to Shane for) but when she found out about my plans for the day, she was so excited for me that you'd think I was graduating college or something.

Shane called my room before I went to sleep last night to tell me that he would be at the breakfast area the same time as everyday but that was all he told me before ending with a "goodnight sweetheart". I remember how the huskiness of his voice sent chills down my spine and how I couldn't wipe the damn grin off my face when I went to sleep. Boy, I really need to work harder on hating him.

I checked the time on my watch.

He should be having breakfast just about now.

I went out of the room and headed down towards the breakfast area, already feeling my stomach growling at the idea of food.

I walked slowly towards the breakfast area. For some reason, I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach at the thought of being with Shane alone for breakfast. Well, I guess I just had to deal with it since that would be the case for the whole day.

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