Chapter 5: A Tool To Tame The Beast

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Chapter 5: A Tool To Tame The Beast

Love me for updating twice in an hour! Enjoy x.

        Finally we were at Subway and my stomach growled. I patted it in an attempt to tame the beast inside. I could hear Shane chuckling beside me obviously overhearing the protest of my little beast.

        "You heard nothing." I warned Shane, in case he was thinking of commenting on it. I could feel my cheeks turn slightly pink from embarrassing myself in front of him. Actually, I shouldn't care what he thought of me. I mean...I don't. 

        Then why are you turning pink?

        I pushed my thoughts aside into the back of my head where 'thoughts-that-should-never-be-answered' were locked up.

        He smiled before shaking his head slightly followed by a sarcastic "sure".

        Wait, hold up.

        He wasn't actually smirking this time and his smile, oh how I hate to admit this, made him look breath taking. I was so distracted by it that I did not even bother replying to his sarcasm with my usual glare.

        I coughed and looked away acting as if I wasn't just admiring his face and decided to go ahead and make my order. Luckily, there was only one person in the queue currently and the person was Veronica. She was ordering a veggie wrap and her server looked unamused, probably because there was not a bite of meat in what she was preparing.

        Another server came out and took my order.

        "A cold cut trio on a 6-inch hearty Italian", I ordered with a smile. That was my fave combo.

        "Coming right up." I heard the server respond in a velvety, masculine voice. I tore my gaze away from the meat before me and looked up at the server who was looking right back at me. He flashed a charming smile and I was mesmerised with his green eyes. Gosh, they were so pretty, I could stare at them all day. Not like mine; they were a light brown that weren't very interesting.

        His dark brown hair was slightly messy but it looked wonderful on him. I like the way Shane does his hair though.

        Wait, what? No, you heard me wrong. I did not just think that. Shane is a pain in the posterior. End of story.

        I heard someone clearing their throat beside me. I didn't even need to look up to know who it was. Think of the devil and he shall appear.

        The server looked at Shane and finished up my order quickly before asking Shane for his order, irritation clear in his eyes but still served with a tight smile on his handsome face.

        When he was done settling the meat portion of Shane's order he removed mine from the oven and continued with the vegetable section of my order. His charming smile was back, my smile widened in return as I continued my order.

        "Tomato, Pickle, Lettuce, Olive and Onion." I finished. The server placed a little more of everything in my sandwich which made me just want to hug him so badly right now. At that moment, Shane's order in the oven was ready.

        The server went to grab it and place it on the counter and asked the other server to attend to Shane.

        "Would that be all?" the server asked me, keeping his gaze fixated on my face and biting his lip, making me all distracted that I nearly missed his question.

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