Chapter 29: Now Or Never

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Chapter 29: Now Or Never

Hey guys! Urgh finally I have a new one up for you guys. Hopefully you like it! x.

Shane's POV

I don't think I've ever used this word to describe how I felt. Or ever really. But it seemed perfect to describe what I felt right now.


I looked down at the sleeping beauty in my arms, checking if the bumps on the road had woken her up.

It didn't.

I could feel eyes on me as I did so. I looked to my left to find Ron gazing at me.

He did a little nod of his head before giving me a pat on the shoulder. He may not have spoken a single word but I knew what his actions meant. And they meant more than words ever could. I knew that that was his way of telling me that he trusts me with the girl that he once liked more than a cousin...or still does. And he has known me for the longest time. He knows my ways, especially when it comes to the female species. So for him to completely trust me on this one, it was a big thing for me.

I acknowledged him with a nod of the head back and we both knew that that was an unspoken promise. One that I would've definitely been too cowardly to make just a week ago. One that I did not intend to break now...or ever.

Ron was closing his eyes, probably dozing off just like everyone else. Seems like only Dylan and I were awake now.

I looked up to the rear-view mirror and caught a glimpse of him. Maybe he felt eyes on him or maybe it was just a mere coincidence, but he glanced up as well. On instinct, my gaze turned into a glare. Guess what that douche did. He smiled...sarcastically, before looking ahead again. The nerve of that idiot.

Was there something going on between him and Kay? Because with the way he talks to her and even the stuff that he does, it sure seems like it. No, she wouldn't land herself with a douche again. From what I understand, her ex boyfriend was the definition of douche. She still hasn't told me about him. I guess it was a rough time for her. One that she didn't want to re-visit. I'll give her time but I'll definitely find out.

I wonder what she thinks of me. Does she still think of me as a douche? I hope not. I remembered the way she blushed when I did not let go of her wrist today in 221B Baker Street, although she tried covering it up with her smartass comebacks. Ah, it was a pretty good day out. That was enough to give me a shimmer of hope that maybe she liked me. Well, probably not even close to how much I liked her but's something.

I ignored Dylan's presence as I played with my Kay Bear's hair instead. It was so soft and I think she enjoys it as well when I play with it, seeing as how she dozed off when I was doing exactly that. In my head, I was pondering over how in the world I was going to spend tomorrow.

I had the opportunity to ask her before but I stupidly let my anger and ego come in the way. But what if there really was something between them? It was not an irrational question because, looking at them, they seem to be getting along just perfectly well. The thought kept resurfacing in my head despite my attempts at pushing it away.

Kayla's POV

I felt my shoulders being shaken lightly.

"Hey, wake up." I heard a voice whisper to me. It was nice to hear that voice. I wish that it would just continue talking. There was something in the huskiness yet softness of it that was alluring.

"Sweetheart, come on." Ah, more sentence.

"Well, I guess I have no other choice." And my wish has been granted.

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