Chapter 33: For The Love Of Loki

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Chapter 33: For The Love Of Loki

New chappie after forever! Enjoy x.

Ron's POV

I never wanted to feel this way for her. Trust me, my life would've been about a hundred times easier if I didn't. But, like they say, the heart wants what it wants.

When did I start liking her? I have no clue.

Maybe it was when we were both seven and I saw that she was not talking to the other kids - the ones with whom I was playing with....her cousins, well my cousins too. I could see that it was because she was shy more than anything else.

And I remember walking up to her and asking, "Do you want to play with us?"

To which she responded by looking down at her dress and playing with the hem of it but I didn't miss the faint smile that played on her lips. And every other time that she did that after that day never ceased to make me smile that much wider and want to be with her that much more. I guess I never actually realised that I was digging my own grave - one that I couldn't get out of. And only when I grew up, I realised what I'd done to myself but it was too late.

Maybe I started liking her more than I should have when we were thirteen and we started a paint war in her backyard. I remember chasing her around the small green area that I probably knew every inch of, trying to mess her face up with the paint staining my tiny, thirteen-year-old hands. Well, that's a lie. Her face couldn't be messed up even if I tried, it was too pretty and cheery for that. If anything, it would have only made her even more beautiful. And my thirteen-year-old self knew that!

I saw her hiding behind the tree. Ah, she thought that she had escaped from me!

I sneaked up behind her and screamed, startling her, as I rubbed my hands across her face. I recall feeling weird when my hands passed over her lips. I'd never touched anyone's lips before and I did see what happened in movies when it comes to lips. Hers were soft and was turned up into a smile. And for the first time, I had an actual desire to kiss her. We were only thirteen, and some may consider it too young for anything of such, but it was just a desire that overcame me in that moment.

But that was all it remained as.

A desire.

I never actually kissed her. I resisted that temptation.

I didn't do it, not only because her mom decided to call us back in the house to get ourselves cleaned, but also because I knew that I couldn't. I may have been only thirteen, but I knew what consequences were. And if I had acted on my desire, nothing good would've come out of it. For my sake and for her sake. It was better this way. From that day on, I knew that I had to somehow push whatever I felt for her aside and I thought I did a pretty good job at it.

Well, apparently not. I thought to myself as I felt the cool breeze sweep my hair in different directions. I could feel the cold wooden bench underneath me as Veronica and myself found a spot near the Tower Bridge and the view was breath-taking. We were seated along the river with flowers of different colours decorating the area and a tree looking over the bench. I should probably bring her here when I get the chance to. Or maybe Shane has already brought her here. Or maybe I can go and figure out where else I can bring her.

What in the world am I thinking? I shouldn't be bringing her out. Shane trusts me and I just can't do that to him when I know that I still feel something for her. But if we go out for a day just as friends, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind. I mean Kayla and I are still cousins and we hang out. Right?

"You seem to be deep in thought."

I was brought out of my contemplation by Veronica's voice.

"And you were thinking of bringing your darling Kayla here, I'm guessing." She commented in a snarky tone.

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