Chapter 32: Where Do I Stand?

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Chapter 32: Where Do I Stand?

New chapter enjoy:) x.

Shane's POV

My chest heaved up and down as I stared at her face. Her eyes were closed. Her cheeks had a pink flush to them. And her lips...oh, her lips - the very ones that were on mine a second ago, were now parted slightly, probably in shock. They seemed redder than usual. I could feel my heart picking up its pace aas if it wasn't already beating fast enough from the kiss that we shared.

Wow, I never thought I'd be able to say that. I kissed her. And damn was it unforgettable.

I let out a disbelieving chuckle, replaying what just happened in my head.

The last thing I remembered before my lips met with her soft, drugging ones were her hazel eyes that seemed electrified paired with the adorable confused look on her face when she finally deciphered what I meant.

My lips moved against her still one. What am I doing? Maybe she didn't want this. I mean she wasn't responding. I would never do anything to her that she wouldn't want me to. I was about to pull away, deflated. For a second, I actually thought that maybe she felt the same way...I can't believe that I had convinced myself that she felt the same way.

But then it happened.

Slowly, as if it all started to register in her head, I felt hers move. Shyly and yet cautiously as if she was testing new territory. To say that I was surprised would be an understatement. A part of me really believed that she would push me away and maybe give me an earful but this....this was a nice surprise. The pressure of her lips against mine reminded me of what butterflies are like. It tempted me to do more but I knew better than that. I was going to take this slow for both of our sakes. That is, if I still have the self-control in me to pull that off.

There was an ache in my chest when I felt her smile against my lips and I couldn't help myself from tightening my arms around her waist, as if that would make the ache all better.

It seemed like forever yet the forever felt too short when we broke the kiss off, knowing that we had to.

And here we are now. Me watching her as she continued looking away bashfully as she caught her breath. Upon hearing my chuckle, she looked up at me before she narrowed her pretty eyes.

"I swear, if you think I'm one of those bimbos who kissed you back because of that stupid smile and just whatever, then you will be sadly-"

Before she could even end her little fiery speech, I grabbed her hand that she was waving around to emphasise her point and kissed her again.

Harder this time.

But it only lasted for a second before I pulled back. I grinned as I took in the shock in her eyes but there was something darker in them. Something that seemed close to lust.

"Y-you can't j-just...."

"Can't just what? So, you didn't want me to kiss you?" I asked smugly, knowing that she was at a loss for words.

"W-well you can't just ask me that like w-what-"

"So you wanted me to kiss you and you enjoyed it then?" This time I was wearing a full blown smirk on my lips as I watched her nervous in front of me. God, I loved catching her stuck like this. Usually, she was so fast and snappy with her comebacks but when she was flustered, her nervousness mixed with attempted sassiness just made me want to wrap her up in my arms and kiss her senseless. But of course, I held myself back knowing that I didn't want to rush things with her or even worse, scare her off.

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