Chapter 34: I Knew There Was A Girl

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Chapter 34: I Knew There Was A Girl

Hey there my lovelies, please do not hate me for the extremely late update. Read the A/N if you want to :) Enjoy x.

Kayla's POV

"So what shall we do then?" I asked, looking over at Ron who was closing the door to my room. We had some time to kill as our moms would not be back until around seven in the evening. Apparently, we were all going to go out to dinner at some restaurant nearby. I looked at the clock on the night stand noting that we had about two hours before dinner.

"Want to watch some useless shows on TV?" He questioned, giving me a lopsided grin. We used to do that a lot and then we would make fun of anything and everything in the show.

"Sure." I replied with a chuckle as I shook my head at the good old times.

Just twenty minutes into a cliché drama and that was enough to find Ron and I taking turns to make fun of the main character who cannot seem to see the obvious and her admirer who says the cheesiest lines in human history.

"How in the world does she not see the obviousness of it all? I mean seriously, LOOK. He is practically staring at her. Like a full-on stare. How does she not notice this AT ALL? Is she blind? She must be blind. Oh well, poor her." I ranted as I kept switching between pointing at the screen in frustration and pulling my hair out of its roots due to the previously mentioned frustration. (Obviously, they didn't come out of their root because that is masochistic, painful and disturbing. Now, carry on.)

"Well, in all fairness, sometimes people can be oblivious."

I turned to look at Ron who was looking at the television screen. He turned his head towards me as he felt my gaze on him. I thought I saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes but it was probably just my mind playing weird tricks because it left as soon as it arrived.

"Isn't someone being the wise old guy here," I teased Ron.

"What can I say, I am pretty damn smart," he joked as he stroked his imaginary, Gandalf-like beard. I broke into laughter at his stupid antics and heard him chuckle as well. I looked back at him only to find him giving me his boyish look. Let me explain the boyish look because I do not think it is an actual look that people know of. So this look consists of the person wearing a contented smile with a little spark in their eyes.

I created the term because Ron had that look a lot when I was around him. Atleast it lets me know that he does not hate being around me unlike when his sister is around me, forgive me I meant reincarnation of the devil.

"Stop that. You're going to turn into that guy." I pointed at the screen where the pathetic lover was pulling at his hair in his living room. You think you're frustrated buddy? Imagine how you're making me feel?

I probably should not be having imaginary conversations with actors in my head. Unfortunately, that is not considered very normal.

"Yeah. Don't want to be at his end of the game. That just sucks," Ron said, half-heartedly, looking at the bed that we were on. Eat my chocolate if I'm wrong but it sounds like Ron really is in that position. In that case, his reply to my rant would make so much sense. I wanted to know the story. Maybe, I could help him and play cupid. I love playing cupid and I'm pretty good at it too.

"Hey there gloomy face. What's wrong?" I asked with an easy smile, trying to lighten the mood of the situation.

"I don't have a gloomy face." Ron retorted as he looked up at me, scrunching his nose. I was kneeling on my knees on my bed facing Ron who was sitting cross-legged at the head of my bed.

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