the reunions

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(One year later)

It has been one year since me and Baelfire ran into each other, he has let me live with him. He says the streets are no place for kids, which is very true and I learned that foster care is basically an orphanage which would have been the worst place for me to go Pan would have found me he gets his new recruits from there usually so they don't want to leave the island to go back to their family like some of the boys.It has also been 6 years since I escaped Pan and the lost boys hell island. Baelfire has been homeschooling me and teaching me to learn the customs of this new world and they are pretty strange cars tv phones it was a lot for me at first but I love tv and Xbox so it's ok they also celebrate birthdays we never did that on Neverland I'm 16 now that I'm aging again I love not being 10 forever.We keep moving so Pan and Baelfire's dad can't find us. I can't go back. I won't!and I can't lose Baelfire to dark magic not again Pan tried to control us both with it I won't let him hurt us again. Baelfire has been dating this girl, and I can't wait to meet her I'm so happy that he found happiness after everything he has been threw.Over the years Baelfire changed his name to Neil, because its a more modern name than Baelfire. He finally got a job once he changed his name. The girl he is dating her name is Tamara and I'm meeting her later today. Neil told me how nice she is, and how they met when he was walking to a interview and they bumped into one another she was cold so he gave her his scarf. I'm so happy for Neil because ever since we escaped Pan we don't trust really anyone anymore, but can anyone really blame us after all the hell we both have been put threw? I was in my room all day watching Tv I've grown to like the show Merlin and the Druid boy Mordred is really cute, I started to get tired. I slowly fell asleep like I always do. In the dream, I got up and looked around, and realized that I was on an island at the edge of a forest I could smell the salty ocean the sand stuck to my bare feet .Wait, I know this place. No, now he can come into my dreams! No no no why now after all these years, why go after me again?!

Pan: "Hello, love."

Taylor: "What do you want, Pan?"

I look around me trying not to panic I don't know where he is, but I'm not gonna show him fear. I won't let him get to my emotions he won't control me anymore. I can't let him win it's all a game to him and I intend to beat him at his own game.I look at my surroundings, attempting to find him I walk towards the edge of the forest when I was pushed against a tree by guess who. I look up into his eyes and fall back on my plan ok nope back down on that plan fear already showing. I can't help it he tortured me as a child I can't get those memories out of my head Balefire getting hurt because I refused to use dark magic I wanted to be good. Being locked in a cage for days up in the trees or in the echo caves alone isolated. It almost made me insane I can't lose my freedom again.

Pan: "well then that would ruin the surprise but don't worry love you will find out soon."

He moved his thumb across my lips and looked into my eyes. Before I could say anything, he kissed my forehead. I was frozen in shock, and very confused. Why did he do that? I was now too scared to even move. He smirked at my reaction and gave me his signature evil smile. No, I won't let you get in my head. Just leave me alone it's my dream I should be able to control it, right?I want to push him away get away from him and this island forget about everything that happened here.

Pan: "Aww, you do like me! Did you miss me love? I bet you did. Well, don't worry, you and Baelfire will be here once again ."

Taylor: "What do you want with us? Why would I ever come back to you, you monster! Also, I thought adults weren't allowed on Neverland? That was your big rule!"

Pan: "You will understand soon, love and be mine forever , so don't test me. I may act nice now, but it won't last if you have that attitude."

No, he did not just say I was his. Oh hell no!

Taylor: "I'll never be yours, Pan. No matter what you do to me."

Pan: "Yes, you will. And there's no hiding from me anymore, love, no matter where you go."

I started to scream because I'm done with this conversation. I won't let him get to me anymore.

Taylor: "Neil please wake me up! Help!"

(I talk in my sleep)

Taylor: "Help...please, Bea...I need you..."

Pan: "See you soon, love."

I woke up to Neil with a worried expression on his face.

Neil: "Hey, are you ok , Tay?"

Taylor: "He's back Neil He's back and we cant escape "

I started to cry a bit and hold onto Neil for my life. Honestly, I'm terrified of Pan after what he did to us. I can't go back. I can't live threw that ever again. And the kiss him asking if I liked him? What was that all about? I can't go back I'll lose my mind.

Taylor: "And he wants us."

Neil: "Pan?No. No, he won't I -"

I cut him off.

Taylor: "Neil, he got me in my dreams. How can we get away this time? He will get into my head again, and mess with my emotions. I won't know what's real and what's true or not. I can't go back! I can't!"

I jumped at the sound of the apartment bell going off. No. Not now.

Taylor: "Who is that? Tamara isn't out of work for another 4 hours, I thought?"

Neil: "That's not Tamara. Go to the fire escape, and run to the bar close to the alleyway I found you in and be careful Pan could try something at any moment."

Taylor: "Okay. Please be safe, Neil."

I'm terrified to be alone what if Pan takes him away to get me to come willingly?

Neil: "When am I not?"

He smiled at me as if it was a joke. Not funny after what just happened .

Taylor: "Yeah, okay."

Neil and I climbed out the window and ran in different directions to the alleyway where Neil and I met. Please don't get caught I can't lose the only person who I can call family.

Another chapter edited again hope you guys enjoy I lost the notebook with the sequel but i am looking for it and the updated will continue again soon.

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now