almost caught

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I took a short cut to the alleyway Neil found me in which just happens to be one of his favorite bars. I hid behind a trash where it was a little more dark so I could stay hidden better from anyone or anything that might be following me, then saw Neil running towards me . Out of nowhere he got tacked by a blond women I ran over and tackled her off of Neil. No one is talking my only family from me!

Neil" Emma?Taylor it's ok I know her"

Taylor"what? Who is she?"

Neil" a friend her name is Emma "

Taylor"Oh sorry "

I got off of her and let her get up. Ok so I'm a little protective even though I'm the younger one.

Emma"It's ok kid"

Taylor"Neil has been like a brother to me so I'm a little protective over him"

I had a strange feeling out of no where .Something isn't right I looked around nothing. What is it ?This is my magic I can feel it something very dark and powerful is here it feels almost like Pan but it isn't. I have light magic and I can sense dark magic. Then I looked up and the saw it the his shadow!

Taylor"Neil look out "

Instead of grabbing Neil the shadow got me instead , no no not me I'm not going back to that hell!!!!

Neil"Taylor catch"

He threw me a lighter and thankfully I caught it. I  lit the lighter and held it close to the shadow , it lost its grip on me and  dropped me but thankfully I landed in a trash bin (note the sarcasm) it flew away and opened a portal since it was still light out so it probably went back to Neverland to tell Pan where we are. We have to get out of here before it comes back for us. Or worse before Pan and the Lost boys come for us.

Taylor" I'm ok I landed in the trash"

Neil"ok we are going home and Your taking a shower you stink"

He helped me out of the trash bin ad I brushed off what I could. I'm not that bad the boys never showered or really bathed on the island a few did and I did as well but they stank this is nothing.

Taylor"I've smelt worse before "

Emma"You have?"

Taylor" ya from the first time I hid in the trash when I was being chased by some creep and another time I don't want to talk about, by the way my  my name is Taylor"

Emma " nice to meet you ,are you sure your ok you fell from a high place"

Taylor" ya I'm sure"

Emma "What was that thing?"

Neil"The shadow it's been after me and Taylor now for a while"


Neil"Long story lets go inside before the shadow comes back, Tay I'll get you something to eat"

Taylor" yay fries please?"

Neil" sure "

we walked into the bar and sat in a booth so I could eat.

(after I order and they have drinks and I got food)

Taylor" why are you in Boston ?"

Emma"Looking for Bea well Neil"

Neil" wait how do you know my real name I never told you?"

Emma"Your dad"

No not him Neil hates his dad for giving him up for  power if she's helping him she's no friend to me

Neil" my father is here?"

Emma" yes hes been looking everywhere for you for years"

Neil" and I've been avoiding him for years he abandoned me"

I pulled Neil into a hug he has always hated the topic of his father he abandoned him because he couldn't let go of the dark magic he possessed. I refuse to ever let the darkness get to me it destroys who you are and I will never let that happen. I can't do that to Neil he's my only family I have.

( time skip to Neil's apartment because I don't know what to write recap if you watched this episode then you know that Emma and rumple are trying to convince Neil to go to Storybrook with them ok back to the story)

Neil "I'm not going with you guys"

we have only been here for ten fifteen minutes now and Neil is already pissed off not that I blame him though his father now wants to make things right after everything he put Neil threw? Neil doesn't forgive easy and for good reason.

Emma"We can protect you guys from that thing that tried to get Taylor "

Rumple"What thing"

Great thanks for bringing this up.

Taylor"Pan's shadow he is after me and Bea but you can't hide us from him"


Neil"Because he almost got her in her dreams!"

Another update hope you guys love it

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now