Lies and more secrets

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Taylor's pov

I woke up in a cave and there was a small charm on the ground with a chain around it and there was a spell on a piece of parchment next to it.

Taylor" oh great it's i Latin the dead language that i don't know how to read"

It read st homo immortalis et aeterna (in Latin that means make this man immortal for all eternity )

Ok i have to try for Peter . I attempted to read the parchment the best i could for 2 hours until i think i got it right . The charm rose from my hand glowing then fell back into my hand. Did it actually work? I really hope I did please let Henry go please.

Peter" hello love"

Taylor" here i charmed it to make you immortal"

I handed him the charm and he looked into it as if to see if I didn't do anything with it that I wasn't soposed to

Peter" good job love"

he put it on and he started to glow , well I guess it worked. He started to levitate off the ground and the crystal glowed bright. I had to cover my eyes until it was dimmed . Once I noticed that the crystal was back to normal I looked over to Peter who was still flying.

Taylor" are you ok?"

he flew over to me so that he was now standing right in front of me

Peter" yes i'm fine thanks to you love I'm more powerful than ever"

Taylor" will you let Henry and the others go now?"

He better keep his side of the deal

Peter" fine but only if Henry wants to leave"

Taylor" ok"

I wish i could leave with them but i can't because of that stupid deal I do love him but I feel like there's something off about him just letting them go so easy....

Pan's p.o.v

Yes now i have the charm I can become immortal and more powerful then even the dark one. Now i don't have to kill Henry and the best part about this is that Taylor can never leave and we will be together forever. I hope she doesn't find out that there is a way for her to leave without my permission but she doesn't remember how she believes that i let her go And I plan to keep it that way. Before i let them go i'm going to play a little game . I said that i would let them go but i never said when i would and if they would be alive or not...

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now