"Mine forever"

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Taylor's p.o.v

Pan still hasn't come back yet and I think I figured out what he's trying to do and it's smart but also really dumb . He wants to leave me alone for long periods of time and make me crave human contact and eventually fall for him. But you see I don't like people so why would I crave any contact from them? Well two can play at this game so I'll play dumb for a while until the right time I just got to gain his trust and maybe just maybe he will let me off on my own and I can go find Emma and Help get Henry out of here, but I have to be carful this time he might not fall for the same tricks twice. I haven't seen or herd from them but I know there here I can feel it. I herd someone climbing up so I ran to the corner to look like I'm having a panic attack . Time for my fun. I sat in the corner rocking back and forth a little bit making it look like I'm going insane and as I thought it was Pan he looked concerned?

( wow didn't expect that I honestly thought he was completely heartless )

Pan" hey are you ok love?"

I didn't speak I just hid my face and shook my head no

( wow this guy is rely gullible I can't believe he's buying this)

Pan" hey it's ok I'm here"

He said wrapping is arms around my shoulders. I laid my head on his chest pretending that I want to be close to him and converted I hope he doesn't find out about my plan or I'm dead! I can't believe he is really falling for this act though am I that good?

Pan's p.o.v

Wow I only left her alone for a day and she is already this scared, well she did stay in a big city full of people when she left Neverland so she had constant human contact for 6 years and losing Neil her best friend is hurting her a lot probably. I'm gonna have to stay with her for a while because is seems I almost sent her into shock and I don't have time for that or I will have to kill Henry , but if Taylor helps me then I don't have to kill Henry and I would get what I want and most importantly Taylor would have to stay with me forever as my little lost girl.

Hey guys another rewrite update hope you like the chapter I will have a big update for all my stories soon I need to update a few more chapters in all of my notebooks and I will update the Druid boy , nightmare at camp darkfeild and what is real I will get to the others as soon as I can I have too many stories I worked on and just didn't finish that I also would like to eventually post and after I finish rewriting this story I will start the sequel in a new notebook.

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now