crazy decisions

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Peter's p.o.v


she loves me but how? after all i put her threw she still loves me?

Taylor" yes i'm untied now and you took off the bracelet , i could have ran away and to the others and left and never come back by now"

Does she really love me? How i put her threw so much pain and torcher over the years. Then she moved closer to me and hugged me berring her face into my chest

( they are still on the bed)

She really does love me but what is this feeling i have in my chest? is this what love feels like ? or is this just weakness feels like?

Peter"how can you love a monster like me?"

Taylor" your not a monster your just lost and you need someone to find you"

Peter" ever since i started to love you i haven't felt lost but loved"

she blushed a bit but she tried to hide it but it was still adorable. Is love possible for me once again? I guess it is.

Taylor" aww Peter that's so sweet"

I don't know what to do now she's so sweet and kind how can she see the good in me which is not much at all, i know she tries to see the good in everyone but what good is in  me ? I have killed and tortured so many people and even her as a kid i tortured her until she almost broke and i did this to her when she was a kid so how could she ever say there is any good in  me at all what so ever ?

Taylor"close your eyes"

she's planing something but i listen to her . I hope she is still there when my eyes open.

Peter" so what are you going to d-"

but i was cut off by a pair of lips connecting with mine. I opened  my eyes for a second before falling into the kiss .She pushed me lightly so she was on top of me on the bed  . oh no she's not gonna be the dominant one , i quickly rolled us over so i was on the top and deepened the kiss.we pulled away and smiled at one another.

Taylor" i love you "

Peter" i love you too love"

I kissed her on the forehead and connected my forehead with her's and looked into her mezmorizing  crystal blue eyes  .

Taylor" I never wanna leave you.."

well that was out of no where but it made my heart warm up.

Peter"I'll always protects you forever"

I pulled her into my chest and held onto her tight as if i could lose her if I let her go

Peter" do you want to tell Emma and the other's they can take Henry home?"

Taylor" yah , but i'm staying here with you"

Taylor's   p.o.v

I already know Emma is not going to like this at all but I can't leave Peter I love him . It's not puppy love it's real I Can't get him out of my head and every time he kisses me I feel sparks rush threw out my whole body and I won't leave him I just hope he stays the way he is and never changes .

Peter" are you ready love?"

Taylor" yes "

I held onto him by his waist and he teleport-ed us to Emma and the others and they looked at us in shock.

Emma" Taylor?"

Taylor" yes Emma it's me"

I hugged her and she started to drag me away from Peter but I pulled away and took Peter's hand.

Emma" what did you do to her?"

Taylor" nothing Emma he gave me a choice to go with you guys but I want to stay here"


Taylor"because I love him"

All adults "what!?"

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now