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Taylor's p.o.v

It's been about two hours Since Pan had came to check on me and to my surprise he's still here wow he might actually care? No impossible he can't really care about me.He thinks he finally calmed me down but I still haven't talked Mainly because I don't wanna blow my cover but also what do I say?

Pan" hey are you ok? I'm not gonna leave until I know you are alright"

I just nod in response still not knowing what to say to him at the moment.

Pan" come on Taylor say something pleas"

I'm laying on his chest at the moment I look up at him and his eyes looked sad and worried like he needs me to speak to him to show him that I understand I took a deep breath and asked

Taylor "is Henry ok?"

For a second his eyes grew angry but immediately grew soft once he saw that he scared me or so he thinks. I hope
Pan" yes he's fine don't you trust me?"

I gave him a what the hell do you think look . Because the list of reasons on why I should not ever trust him just keeps getting longer every time I see him now.

Taylor " not fully ...why do you keep me here all alone?"

I looked down trying my best to act innocent and upset

Pan" because I can't let anyone get to you remember your my only weakness and I won't let anyone ever take you away from me "

Fuck well escaping is gonna be really hard but I'm not gonna give up now I have to fight .

Taylor" I know I just don't like being alone all the time"

I can't believe this he actually thinks I wanna be around people I hate people I love being alone all the time helps me think and get creative with stories also helps me prank the lost boys/ scare them half to death.

Pan" I know but If Emma finds Henry she will try to take you too. Also if anyone double crosses me they can tell Emma and the others where to find you. Felix is the only one who knows where you are because he's my most loyal lost boy and is the only one that never wants to leave. Love I can't lose you not again"

I can't believe this he might actually care? The Peter Pan cares about someone it too much it can't be true

Taylor" thanks"

Pan" for what?"

Taylor" for protecting me"

Pan" no problem listen I have to go back for a while so the boys don't kill each other but I'll be back later if you need anything just say my full name 3 times then I'll come but only if it's an emergency or you need food or water but you should be ok with that for now"

Well I hope by then I find a way out of my own treehouse by then Can't be that hard right?

Taylor" ok"

He sat up a bit and kissed my forehead then left. I'm so confused right now first he kidnaps me then forces me to stay on an island me being the only girl, tries to use me as a weapon I finally get away back to my best friend that he also held hostage on Neverland then gets me back and says he loves me? I need sleep I have such a bad headache from thinking about this.

Emma's p.o.v

I was trying to get some sleep but I herd kids crying? wait what the hell? I grabbed the sword that hook gave me that belonged to Neil when he was a kid And slowly walked deeper into the forest.I looked over at everyone else and they don't seem to hear anything as if they were under a sleeping curse.

?-" I wonder why they can't here the crying?"

I turned to see a teenage boy What the hell?

Emma " who the hell are you?"

?-" oh did I forget to introduce myself I'm Peter ...Peter Pan"

I shoved him against a tree and held my sword against his neck. I'm holding back everything I can just to not kill him I need him to get Henry and Taylor back.

Emma" where are they?"

I want to kill him so badly right now but I need to know where they are

Pan" they're alive if that's what your worried about"

Emma" so are you gonna tell me how I'm never gonna see them again?"

Pan" no well except Taylor she stays"

Hell no I'm not leaving her behind no way that will happen

Emma" what about Taylor why won't you let her go too?"

Pan" she's staying here on Neverland as you know they both are very special kids Emma"

Emma" I know that doesn't answer my question what do you want with them?"

Pan" lets make it a game I have a map that will lead you strait to your son"

There has to be a catch it can't be that easy

Emma" I'm not leaving her behind"

I mean it I won't she will not be abandoned ever again

Pan" we'll then your never leaving because she is never gonna leave ever"

Why what's his deal? He can't force her to stay here forever and expect me to do nothing

Emma" why is she so important to you?"

Pan" she is a very special girl Emma"

What is he gonna do to her he better not hurt her or I will not hold back and kill him right where he stands.

Emma" I know but why do you seem to care about her so much?"

Pan" because she just special"

Emma" but why?"

Can he just answer a simple question

Pan" here is the map to your son"

He's hiding something I can feel it he kept dogging any question about Taylor, wait this map is blank?

Emma" it's blank"

Pan" you will only be able to read this map when you stop denying who you really are"

I looked at the map a little closer for a second but when I looked up Pan was gone... I have to find Taylor and Henry before it's too late.

Pan's p.o.v

After I was done with that little talk with Emma I decided to go and check up on Taylor because 1 I don't want to leave her alone to long and send her into shock and 2 I don't want anyone finding her and take her away from me. I finally got to her tree house ( which was on the other side of the island) I found her sleeping she looked so innocent and fragile. I carefully laid next to her and wrapped my arms around her. she moved her head to my chest cuddling up to me. I will never let anyone get her or take her away. No one will get her

......................................................................................................................................................................... My weakness.

Two rewrites in one night I'm gonna try for three it's late so sorry if I can't I will update as soon as I can .

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now