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Peter's p.o.v

we walked back to camp and i took Taylor to my tent.  For the next 2 months I'm gonna play the nice boyfriend act until i can make her mine permanently I won't risk anyone taking her away from me or my power away...

(two months later)

Taylor's p.o.v 

For the past two months Peter has been the best boyfriend i could ever ask for . Today he said he has a supersize for me so the boys put a blindfold over my eyes so i couldn't see and we have been walking for 3 hours.And let's just say this has been the most painful 3 hours of my life.

Taylor" are we almost there"

Pan" hello love, boys"

Taylor" Peter what's going on?"

then i felt 2 people push me against the wall of a cave and they chained me up . They took off the blindfold and i was right we were in a cave. I tried to use my magic but i had the stupid bracelet on that takes away my powers wait when did he put that back on he took it off me after everyone left.

Pan" good job boys now go back to camp"

Lost boys " yes Pan "

Taylor"Peter what are you doing let me go?"

I pulled the chains that held me tight against the wall , why is he doing this i thought he loved me ? was It all just a game? or did something happen? 

Pan" making you mine"

then he took a big knife out of his pocket.

He cut the palm of my hand and then did the same to his

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He cut the palm of my hand and then did the same to his . He forced our hands together and i started to get really dizzy and my head was pounding so hard i couldn't even think. What the hell is going on why is he doing this to me i promised him that i would never leave why is he doing this again

Taylor"what did you do to me?"

i feel my energy slowly disappearing faster and faster by the second. I could barely lift my head to look at him. why me why this again please just stop i was never even thinking of leaving him ever until now.

Pan" I made you mine and once again i control your powers and basically you"

He kissed my forehead , i tried to push him away with my feet  but i'm to weak to do anything.

Pan" don't fight it love it will only hurt worse"

Taylor" why did you do this?"

Pan" to get everyone back into the game with you on my side"

Taylor" what are you gonna do to them?"

My vision started to get very blury. But I struggled to stay awake i need to know why he would do this to me again.

Pan" that doesn't matter love just sleep"

he blew some dream dust in my face then all i saw was darkness...

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now