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Taylor's p.o.v

Does he still love me?

my heart was pounding 1,000 miles a hour i had no idea what to do. Should i do this ?what is the consequence? is it worth it?

Pan" well love what's your answer"

Taylor" no because your going to kiss me anyways so why is it so important for me to kiss you?"

Pan" i'll tell you if you kiss me"

Fuuuuck this is so annoying just get off of me already that's all i ask

Taylor" no i'm not going to kiss you"

Pan" come on love it won't hurt you at all one kiss and i'll get off of you and let you walk around just stay with me"

i could see Emma and Henry

Pan" sorry love they are at the cages at the moment"

what why? what did he do this time. I can't let him hurt them not like this not again I can't go threw this again

Taylor" please i'll do anything just please don't hurt them please"

Pan" whatever i want?"

Taylor" y-yes why?"

Pan" you will find out soon love so....?"

I just got it over with i kissed him but for some reason i couldn't stop. I felt him smile why can't i pull away . wait no no no! It made the spell stronger he can control me better now , no wonder why he wanted me to kiss him so bad! That ass hole FUCK MY LIFE

Pan" see love that wasn't so bad you just can't fight the spell that well now"

Taylor" i hate you!"

I started to try to push him off me again with no success . Fuck why is he so much stronger than me .

Pan" if you stop struggling so much i'll get off of you"

I stopped trying to push him off of me and he kissed my forehead and finally got off of me.

Pan" i told you it's not that bad"

I got up and felt really dizzy , i almost fell but Pan caught me . It's probably from me laying down for so long

Pan" you ok love?"

Taylor" yah just a bit dizzy because someone made me lay down and not get up for so long"

Pan" here"

he gave me a cup of water

Taylor" thanks"

I don't like him but I'm not gonna just be an ass the whole time

Pan" no problem"

wow he's acting kinda Nice bipolar much? Maybe he might not have been lying to me when he said he cared about me , yes he can be very mean sometimes maybe he dose just want to protect me. But then why does he keep putting spells on me even as a kid he did this to me but why? and also i can't even remember how i got to Neverland in the first place and what my life was like before i got here.


Pan" yah, wait did you just call me Peter ?"

Fuck why did I do that

Taylor" yah i did"

Pan" i thought you were mad at me?"

he said getting cocky

Taylor" yes i am still mad , but i lied i still love you"


Taylor" yes now please just let Emma and the others go and i promise i won't let anyone separate us or leave us"

I hope he will just let them go they don't deserve to go threw this

Pan" there's a problem with that love"

Taylor" Peter what did you do?"

Peter" i-i"

what could be so bad that he can't tell me ? nothing can be that bad right?

Pan" i killed hook....."

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now