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Taylor's p.o.v

I wake up with a pounding headache ,it's worse than before how long have i been out? Then i just remembered what Pan did to me . Why ? he knew i would have stayed willingly . Why does he always have to lie so much? does he even love me? or was it all a game . you don't do this to the people you love . i'm so stupid to think he could ever really care I hate him I hate everything ....

Pan's p.o.v

I read her mind and my heart broke i tried to say i can't love i have no feelings no weaknesses , but the truth is i love her with all my heart and i'm terrified to loses her . I can't believe it she hates me and she doesn't hate anyone! I have to let Henry and the others go but she has to stay with me i can't lose her if i do i have no reason to even live. I feel like this girl is a drug that i can't get enough of . I can't loose her not like this i believe the spell is broken.....

( with the power of Neverland and since he created the spell he could only remove it he just said there was no reversing it because he was the only person who could reverse it and he didn't plan on reavereseing it )

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now