trust lost

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Taylor's p.o.v

I woke up to my head still pounding and my vision is really blury but It slowly started to come back. I'm chained up to a bed and i'm in Pan's tree house off of the big island. I sit up a bit and see someone leaning against the door way . It's probably Pan or Felix.

Pan" hello love"

Pan... I didn't say anything i'm to weak to do anything anyway.

Pan" still weak?"

i shook my head yes since i really couldn't do anything else . He got me some water and gave it to me. I kinda feel better but i'm still to weak to talk. oh god i hope he didn't get it where i think he did!

Pan" it's ok love i didn't get it from the waterfall of Neverland "

thank god i still have a chance.

Pan" love i can still read your mind we are actually connected by telepathy but you can only contact me threw telepathy no one can contact you and you can't contact anyone but me. So no contacting Emma "

He said in a baby voice. If he keeps this up i'm gonna hit him one of these times. i'm still to weak to even talk so i'm just gonna use telepathy

(  {} - that means telepathy)

Taylor { why did you do this to me i thought you cared about me?}

Pan" i do love but they were soon going to take you away from me one day and i'm never gonna lose you i won't let anyone take you away ever"

Taylor{ i never thought of leaving until now}

Pan" i told you that  you fell for a monster"

Taylor{ i wish i listened}

Pan" even if you wanted to leave before i wouldn't have let you i just can't lose you , you will never leave me ever"

Taylor{ i'm never gonna ever trust you again}

Pan" you will in time witch we have plenty of"

Taylor{ you won't get away with this}

Pan" i already did love"

he kissed my forehead and walked out of the tree house . he stopped by the door way and looked back at me.

Pan" get some rest love you will need it"

There was no point in fighting it i'm just too weak so I just closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now