special why?

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Pan's p.o.v (because why not)

She is a very special girl with unbelievable powers and she doesn't even know it.I need to use that to my advantage while I can her powers are stronger than anything that I've ever seen in my life and I have to have them she is the key to immortality to ruling all the realms. She was the only girl on Neverland has't died when she was on her own. Even my boys can't be completely alone the animals or island will kill them , but not her.It was like the island was protecting her and that can only mean one thing because she would have died with no help she was only 10 a child she didn't now how to take care of herself yet, but she was untraceable and hidden from the boys on the island because it hid her not even I can track her with my magic I had to do it the old fashion way . The island is connected to me and it hid her of all the girls that have come her her ...she is the one I have been looking for for all these years before I had to look for the heart of the truest believer.

Taylor's p.o.v

why me? Why am I so special to him? I heard my door swing open revealing Henry panting covered in sweat .

Henry" Taylor Tamara is evil!"

you gotta be kidding me

Taylor"what happened? are you ok?"

This is why me and Neil don't have lives And I'm so antisocial people suck !!

Henry"ya she shot my dad and he fell threw a portal because someone dropped a magic bean , we think he's dead because no one could survive that"

My world shut down my only family is gone dead. Henry and I herd my door open and there she was the one who killed him,the one person that's always been there for me my brother. I will kill her for killing my brother.

Tamara's p.o.v

We have to take the to and the girl to Neverland that's what order we got from the home office but we have to make the girl drink a potion because she has been to Neverland so Greg and I tied their hands up and wile Greg held Henry back I forced Taylor to drink the potion and put a bracelet on her so she can't use her magic.

( time skip to the dock)

Taylor's p.o.v

Tamara did something to me I forgot how I met Neil Why we were running. How did we even meet all I remember is Henry,me,Neil And a few others but nothing before Boston. Where did I come from? What did they do to me?. Bits and pieces of my memories slowly fading a portal opened in front of us in the ocean .Just as Greg and Tamara pushed me and Henry we hear Emma,David,snow and Regina screaming for us but I knew they were already to late.


Another update getting everything caught up again hope you guys enjoy

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now