we can't

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Emma's p.o.v

I haven't heard from Taylor in awhile did she really betray us? or did pan do something to her ? I don't know what to do , just then a Jolt of pain rushed threw my head .

{Taylor" Emma don't talk just think it's Taylor i don't have much time"}


{Taylor" forget about me Pan is gonna make you guys play his games until you all die and turn Henry into a lost boy, just get Henry and go while you're still alive. If you leave me he will leave you alone.}

{Emma' no we can't leave you "}

{Taylor" yes you can I lived with him once and I can do it again"}

{Emma" no there has to be-"}

{Taylor" no there isn't Emma i'm sorry , look if you leave he will have nothing against me and he can't hurt me please just go "}

{Emma"please don't make me leave you here "}

{Taylor"we will meet again one day "}

{Emma"please don't i'm begging you"}

{Taylor"i have to go goodbye Emma"}

{Emma"no please Taylor? Taylor!?"}

no please we can't leave you We have to fight for you...

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now