2 sides to a person

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Emma's p.o.v 

What no! He did something to her , she can't be in love with a monster like him...

Snow's p.o.v

oh my god they do love each other i can see it in there eyes. sure Pan has done many bad things still doesn't mean someone can't love him

snow" you do love each other"

Taylor" thank you snow"

Taylor's p.o.v 

Taylor" see Emma even your parents see it that we both love each other"

Emma Gave me a look as if saying what the hell is wrong with you.

Peter" Emma i would never hurt Taylor again  i regret everything i did to her, i'll do anything to stay with her i'll even leave Neverland if i couldn't stay with her here. she means the world to me and i don't want to ever let her go"

i started to blush at his words. I can't believe he would do that for me he's so sweet. Emma still looked at us not convinced that he had really changed.

Taylor" awww Peter"

i walked over to him and hugged him tightly, as if we were the only 2 people on this island and we didn't have a care or worry in the world. he whispered into my ear

Peter" Will you be my lost girl"

Taylor" only if you will be my lost boy"

Peter" of course love"

Taylor" then yes"

we pulled apart and looked back at Emma seeing her look sad but also she finally realized that we both really do mean what we are saying . Well she does have her one special power to tell when people are lying to her. 

Emma" you really do love one another"

Taylor" yes Emma i'm sorry I'm not going back with you guys but you can bring you family, Peter" 

Peter" i know, Felix"

Felix" yes pan?"

he said confused

Peter" get Henry and Neil"


he asked even more confused

Taylor" just do it" 

Felix" are you ok Pan?"

Peter" listen to her Felix just do it"


He said walking away really fucken confused mentally questioning Pan's sanity at the moment.He soon after brought back Neil and Henry. They ran over to Emma and hugged her .

Henry" I thought i would never see you guys again"



then he saw Peter's arms around my waist.

Neil" Taylor get away from him"

Taylor" Neil it's ok we're together"

Neil" Pan if you hurt her i swear "

Pan held up his hands in defense

Peter" I won't i promise , i'm sorry for everything i did so i'm letting everyone go home"

Neil" Taylor you can come home with us we can be a family "

Taylor" i'm sorry Neil i can't leave peter or the boy's"

Henry" will we ever see you again"

Taylor" only if you believe we will then yes"

Henry" ok"

he hugged me as if it were the last time he would ever see me again . I walked over to Neil and hugged him tightly. I'm gonna miss him the most he has been my big brother for years and has always been there for me.

Taylor" Neil I'll be ok"

Neil" I know I'm gonna miss you"

Taylor" I'll always be there for you Neil I'll try to see you soon"

Neil walked back over to Emma and Henry

Taylor"bye guys i'll miss you"

(rumple was already with them) 

I opened a portal and everyone looked at me

all" we will all miss you talk soon"

Taylor" we will"

everyone but Emma and Neil jumped in 

Neil" Tay you have always been like a little sister to me and i believe that you will always be with us"

Taylor" thank you Neil , Emma i know this is hard for you but Peter has changed for the better"

Emma" ok but pan i swear if you hurt her "

Peter" i promise i'll never hurt her again"

Emma " ok bye Taylor "

Taylor" bye Emma"

she hugged me tight then grabbed Neil's hand . They both ran and jumped into the portal . Peter looked at me with his emerald green eyes that made my heart flutter. I wish I could only read his mind...

Pan's p.o.v

She has no idea what she just started......

Another week another update hope you guys enjoyed the chapter I'll post a new chapter as soon as i can

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now