should i do this?

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Taylor's p.o.v

I can't believe I thought for a minute that Pan could possibly be somewhat good . Ok I'm definitely gonna do what ever I can to get away from this hell hole of an island. I hope Pan doesn't read minds like i do because if he finds out then he will never 1 give me my magic back and 2 he will never let me out of his sight also i will probably get punished in the process so i really don't want to get caught. Right now Felix is watching over me until Pan gives us the signal I don't really mind I want to stay as away from Pan when I can I feel weird around him almost like I like him but I can't love a monster like Pan. I saw someone waking towards Pan no Emma don't its a trap .I wish there was something I could do but I'm helpless without my magic when Emma reached Pan he turned around revealing that he was not Henry and started his long speech to Emma on how cheaters never win. I felt Felix pull me closer to Pan . Once we reached the tree line I started my part of the plan i rely hate this i'm sorry Emma. I ran over to Pan and hugged him and he put his arm around me like a protective boyfriend. I hid my face in his chest so it would look like I'm scared and once again Pan started another long speech again.....

Pan"see Emma she doesn't want to leave"

Emma"what did you do to her she wanted to kill you not that long ago"

I'm so sorry Emma I'm never gonna get out of here

Pan "no she was scared of me but for a while now i was leaving her somewhere hidden on the island and I'm the only person that she has seen besides the first day she got here but every day since then she has only seen me"

Emma"are you crazy we have all been here for 2 weeks and for years she has been around people she could gone into shock!"

Pan" I know i left her alone for a day and she almost did"

Emma" just let her and Henry go"

I'm sorry Emma but good luck with that Pan is to strong and I don't know if I want to leave now I do then I don't Pan is sometimes awful but at other times he's not the evil person I think he is I'm so confused by the feelings that I get around him I can't explain it.

Pan" do you want to go?"

I can't believe this is somewhat the truth maybe now

Taylor" no"

i said loud enough for everyone to hear. I can't believe part of me feels like this is true though

Emma"Taylor don't give up"

I'm so sorry Emma but you have to just let me go

Pan"come on boys let's play"

I hid my face in his chest once again and hugged him tighter acting like I'm scared them i whispered

Taylor" I'm sorry Emma i can't leave"

Then all of a sudden everyone but me and Pan charged into the fight. He pulled me out of the way because their arrows are dipped in dream shade( its a poison with a very painful death)

Pan" Hey it might hurt now that you betrayed them but this means we can be together forever"

Why do I feel kinda happy that I can stay with him now can I really love him the Peter Pan who has hurt so many people

Taylor"can we go"

Pan"yah lets just finish what we started"


he gave the boys the signal to come back and thank god no one was killed

Pan" remember what i told you Emma that map will lead you straight to Henry when you stop denying who you really are"

Emma"we are not leaving Taylor "

Pan"she doesn't want to leave"

after he said that i hugged him tighter because i don't know where he's going with this.

Pan" I'll show you"

he let go of me and I still didn't let go

Pan"Taylor you can let go and leave"

Taylor"I don't want to leave, I want to stay with you"

Pan"see she won't even let go of me literally "

Emma" you did something to her you-"
Taylor" no he didn't ok Emma just get Henry and leave the only reason you want to help me is because of what happened to Neil"

then i whispered just loud enough for Pan to hear

Taylor"can we go please?"

Pan"yah remember what i told you Emma "

then Peter used his magic to push them all against trees to give us time to get to camp before they can track us. Once we were at camp peter pulled me aside.

Pan"Felix your in charge of camp i'm gonna take Taylor back"

Felix"ok Pan"

We started walking towards my tree house then Peter all of a sudden turned around at the last second making me walk into him.

Taylor"oh sorry"

Pan" you don't have to apologize remember"

Taylor"i know it's just nice "

Pan"why didn't you go with them"


who Emma? that was really random well not really but I thought he thought that I liked him?

Pan"Emma and the others why didn't you go with them i thought you hated me?"

Taylor"Peter i don't hate you i love you"

Peter "what? wait you called me Peter and not Pan?"

Taylor"yah i did why do you think i always want you to stay when you come to my treehouse?"

Peter" i just thought you were alone and needed someone?"

Peter teleported us inside because as i said before it's really hard to get up here without magic.I walked over to my bed and Peter was about to leave.


I can't believe I'm really about to say this


Taylor"can you stay here until i fall asleep?"

Peter"of course love"

then he walked over laid next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Then i laid my head against his chest and looked up at him.

Taylor"I love you peter"

He smiled then we both started slowly leaning in and i was thinking should i really do this?

Hey guys another update and I hope you like the long rewrite I tried to make the chapter longer and added more details I hope you like the chapter.

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now