kidnapped again really!

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Pan's p.o.v

They are finally coming I'll finally have her again and the heart of the truest believer she's finally old enough to come back to me everything is going as planned. I hope they gave her that memory erase potion or the plan will never work.

Pan" Felix just chase them don't catch them"

Felix" what about the girl she knows to much"

Pan" I gave them a potion to give to her so she will forget Neverland until I want her to remember first I need her to follow me and maybe trust me a little. I'll give her her memories back when the time is right and she will listen to me out of fear so just chase them to me then when we jump over the cliff meet us back at camp"

Felix" ok Pan "

Pan" boys go and find them you know the plan follow Felix"

Taylor's p.o.v

We are on a island called Neverland and now I'm trying to get my hands undone I feel like him having dajavo but I can't remember when I've been in a situation like this .I herd the leaves rustle and some boys came out of the woods. Ok not good I don't like people at all at the moment I'm only gonna protect Henry If Neil is gone it's my job to protect his son now.

Felix" welcome to Neverland we're the home office"

The boy was tall and respected but not the leader. Either way I'm going to stay clear of him, he has a long scar going down the side of his face blond hair and green eyes  he's very intimidating I hope I'm not stuck with him.

Tamara"The home office is a bunch of teenagers?"

Well no shit Tamara you know the difference between adults and teenagers good for you wanna loliepop. Seriously I think that her and Greg have issues or something.

Unknown" give us the kids"

Tamara " not until you tell us the plan is and how we are gonna get home?"

Unknown" your not going home"

Greg" then your not getting the kids"

Shut up Greg or we might all be screwed,soon after a shadow thing came and ripped Greg's shadow right out of his body see this is what happens when you don't shut up.


Taylor"Don't have to tell me twice Henry come on"

Henry and I ran threw the thick forest. I herd them right behind us and even better we both tripped on a root but someone grabbed us. I was about to scream because I thought we were caught but he covered me and Henry's mouth. You think that I won't bit you bitch!

Unknown" shh they'll here us"

He ducked down and I herd the boys run by us. Before I could bite his hand he took it off of my mouth. Bitch you do that again I will bite you!

Unknown"Are you two ok?"

the boy said while untying our hands

Taylor" thanks the ropes were kinda tight "

Unknown" no problem we must keep moving Pan and his forces are well trained trackers we must be careful follow me"

Henry/Taylor" ok"

We started to run threw the thick forest once again and after about 3 hours we all started to get really tired or at least me and Henry I'm not used to this I'm used to sitting in front of a TV with chips all day and Neil always asked why I'm skinny and to tell people the truth I have no idea .

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now