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Henry's p.o.v

For the past week or so I don't know I lost track of time I've been here for so long , I have started to trust Pan a bit I mean his offer is hard to resist I can either stay on the island with him and the lost boys and save magic if Taylor can't first but if Taylor can she will have to stay here with Pan and i can go home but that's not fair to her right? Well from what I heard they are together now but I don't really know that for myself. The only reason I don't trust him fully yet is because I haven't seen Taylor since the first day when Pan told her to follow him some where , also Pan has been acting weird lately kind of like he is up to some thing, more like planing something and something really big I just hope it has nothing to do with Taylor or any of my family because I have herd that Pan has killed many people and I don't want to see Taylor hurt or my family I mean they are all I have and I can't loose them like that we just got back together.

Pan's p.o.v

After about 2 hours Taylor finally fell asleep so i carefully unwrapped my arms from her small frame and gently laid her head on her pillow. I flashed back to camp so i wouldn't wake her up and walked over to Henry and he didn't look to happy.

Pan''hey why don't you join the party?''

He always does this just sits around and ignores us I understand we did kidnap him and took Taylor away but that was to protect her she can't get involved. He seems to still have hope that his family is coming for him I have had many boys such as him in the past but they all eventually grow to love it here.

Henry"what did you do with Taylor I haven't seen her since we got here"

Pan"nothing look i'm just trying to protect her"

Don't push it please don't I don't want to sound weak in front of my boys

Henry"from who?"

Pan"from me"


Hey guys another rewrite sorry it's taking longer than expected I had a ton of work this week I'll update my other story tonight hope you guys like it

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now