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Taylor's p.o.v

we were so close to kissing then we herd someone climbing up me tree house. Who could that be only Pan and Felix know where my treehouse is and know how to get up without getting killed. I started to feel scared and so me and Pan quickly separated from each other and I pretended that I was asleep. Great I just realized I was still laying on Pans chest not my pillow before I could move off of him the person walked in. I relaxed into Pan's chest knowing that there was nothing that I could do at this point .

Felix"Pan the lost boys think your going soft for the girl"

Wait soft are you kidding me he kidnapped me and doesn't let me see Henry and leaves me alone with almost nothing to do all day and they say he's going soft? Do they even remember what happened the last time I was here Pan forced a nine year old girl to stay on Neverland with only boys normally girls aren't aloud but for some reason I was an exception.

Pan"no i'm not and may I remind you thatthere is a reason she listens to me"

Felix" because your nice to her"

Are you kidding me nice lately kind of but over all are you serious with that

Pan"no she's afraid of me and what I'm capable of doing"

Well at least Pan knows the truth but I also have a part of me that cares but I really am scared of what he will do to Henry and the others.

Felix"she didn't look afraid back there it was kinda the opposite"

Well I'm a good actor Felix are you judging my acting skills you asshole!

Pan"yah well i threatened to kill Henry and everyone she cares about"

And yah there is that too

Felix"so do you think she will listen to what ever you say and ask?'

Hell no I have my limits

Pan"not yet but soon"

Felix"will she listen enough for the plan?"

Wait what plan what the hell is he talking about

Pan"of corse Felix remember Peter Pan NEVER FAILS"

what is he gonna make me do?

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now