Pan's game plan

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Taylor's p.o.v

I waked to my old tree house because its been a while since I've been here.I actually kinda missed this place it was my home for many years.But there are also many memories of me being alone and on my own after I helped Baelfire escape this hell.

Taylor" wow it's just like it was when I left"

Pan" yah no one has been here since you left I never aloud it it's on the dark side of the Island the boy's wouldn't last long out here I'm still very suprized that you did and you were so young"

Taylor" we'll it's really hard to get up here without magic so I wouldn't think anyone would try there is nothing valuable in here and like you said they wouldn't last long here "

Pan" I'm also still surprised you built this by yourself and you were 9 -10 years old at the time"

Taylor" well it did take a long time but there is nothing really to do when your hiding so what else was I gonna do and I knew the boy's refused to go here so it was the perfect spot only you and Felix could survive around here"

Pan" true I knew you were here the whole time I just was waiting for when you would come back to camp asking for help but to my surprise you helped Bea get off the island so that's when I sent the boys after you because I just realized that you didn't need anyone"

wait so he was scared of a 9 year old ok that's funny.I'm surprised that Pan is being so nice I know he said he loved me but still he's being really nice! A little too nice for Pan something is up I just cant let me guard down.

Pan" sorry love"


Once I realized it was dream powder it was to late I knew that I couldn't trust him the bastard! I couldn't do anything once I saw the bule sparkly powder I fell but someone caught me but I could't fight this I closed my eyes then all I saw was darkness.

Pans p.o.v

My plan is working now all I have to do is keep he trapped in here and she can't leave without my permission. I'm gonna keep her alone locked up here for long periods of time and since I'm the only one who knows where she is I'm the only one who will visit her and because she will be alone so often eventually she will crave human contact and beg me to stay with her. Yes she was alone here for a while but she had tinkerbell so she was never really completely alone until now.I know what you might be thinking Emma and the others could find her well like she said its hard to get up here without magic and by the time they get up to her I'll be right behind to get her back and I know Taylor won't dare try to go against me I know she fights back but she does know that I'm stronger than her physically and magically so she will listen to me out of fear. Right now I'm at camp trying to make Henry a lost boy just in case I need his heart but if Taylor can help me then it will be so much better than the other long and complicated plan I had.

Taylor's p.o.v

I woke up in my tree house I was on my old bed. What the hell?

Taylor" what the hell happened?"

Oh no he didn't that fucker wouldn't. I ran towards me door that was made of cloth so I shouldn't be hard to open but Peter locked me in with a shield and now only he can let me out and I don't think that's any time soon.

Taylor" fuck rely!"

I am rely starting to think why someone hasn't killed pan yet because he can rely piss someone off. I got to get out and protect Henry but how? Well I guess I'll have to wait for pan to come back I hope he doesn't do anything to Henry that is unfixable.

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now