meeting new people great :|

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rumple "In her dreams but why would he want her she's a girl Pan only wants boys to join his lost group"

Henry" mom,"

( is rumple)

I turned to see an at least 13 year old boy and Neil look at Emma weird and I was thinking what the fuck did you do dude! What happened in the years you were apart from me when I was trying to get out of Neverland?

Neil"Is this my son"

Wtf! Neil really seriously what the fuck!


Henry"mom I thought you said that my dad was dead?"

Oh I'm really starting to not like this girl.

Emma" Henry I wanted you to remember your dad as a good man not what actually happened"

Henry" hi I'm Henry"

Neil"I'm Neil and that's Taylor"


Henry " how do you two know each other brother and sister or something?"

Taylor"not by blood but he's always been like a brother to me"

Neil"Yah she lives here with me we knew each other a long time ago then we were separated for awhile then one year ago we met again on the streets she was running from someone"

Taylor"Yah life on the streets is not fun at all when your a girl"

Neil" hey bud why don't we talk outside?"

Henry" yah sure"

Neil and Henry went out on the fire escape leaving me with Emma and Neil's dad who he's been avoiding most of his life. Well this can't get any more awkward or weird.

Rumple"So you have met Pan in real life?"

Well he likes just getting to the point I guess.

Taylor"Sadly yes I was with him for about 10 years he took me when I was 10 years old so I was 10 until about 6 years ago when I escaped and I started to age again once I came into this land"

Emma" did you and Neil escape at the same time?"

Why do you people want my life story ?

Taylor " no in fact he was only 6 years older than me but I found a way off the island but only one of us could make it so I had to push him threw a portal to save him from Pan"

Rumple " why couldn't you both go threw ?"

Taylor" I can create portals but I couldn't close it in time for both of us to be safe and I got captured by Pan again after I pushed Neil threw, So I had to stay on the island alone with Pan for another few years .I started to get Pan's trust so one day he left the island to go recruit more lost ones and once I knew he was gone I quickly made a portal and left before he could jump into the portal and get me"

Rumple "you have magic?"

No I can just open portals because that's normal no shit I have magic

Taylor"yes and I can use it now if I wanted to but I can't really control it and Pan put a tracker if I use my magic to much he can find me he already knows what world and a general area I'm in I can't risk being found"

Rumple"you said you opened a portal?"

I swear this guy has problems yes I only said it like 10 times.

Taylor"Yes Pan was trying to teach me (remember the word trying) how to use it because one day one of the lost boys scared me so I screamed and all the boys around me flew back , since then Pan started to become obsessed with me and my magic at first I was happy he was helping me but then I found out the truth about him,so I decided to gain his trust that way and he eventually left me alone and I got away"

Rumple " that's not good that he knows you have magic he wants you he will not stop until he gets you , I can teach you how to defend yourself as well as some basic magic and maybe get that tracker off of your magic so your not his prisoner forever"

All magic comes with a price

Taylor "thanks I remember some basics that pan had taught me but he said he can find me if I use my magic so I haven't even attempted to use it for 6 years from today i'm to afraid to even think about the island "

Emma"we won't let him get you"

Taylor"Emma you saw what happened in the ally , I almost got caught and he comes in my dreams too! There is no escaping him he will always find me where ever I go "

Rumple"there's a spell that allows me to block him out of your mind and dreams and since I'm the dark one my magic is more powerful than his I can free you and Belfire from him "

Taylor" ok and I talk in my sleep so when Pan comes You will know because I'm gonna be yelling at him and probably screaming go away and leave me alone "

Rumple "ok just keep him busy long enough for me to do the spell it will talke a few minutes to work"

Taylor"I'll try to as long as I can but Neil might wake me up if I start to get to scared"

Rumple "ok i'll try to have him wait as long as he can , but you must keep him distracted because he can stop the spell from happening if it's not finished and if he knows what is going on "

Taylor " ok"

I'm terrified he always is one step ahead of everyone but I need to take this chance I have to fight for my freedom.

( Neil and Henry come back into the room)

Taylor "hey Neil they can get Pan out of my head for good"

Neil" really?what's your price"

Rumple" nothing I'm going to help my sons friend from Pan who I tried to keep you away from before I'm not as evil as I was once before"

Neil " you always have a price because all magic comes with a price"

Rumple" me and Pan have bad history so I don't want him near you or her ok that's why I didn't want you around him when you were a young child "

Neil" ok"


Neil"yes Henry "

Ok that I'm gonna have to get used to

Henry"can you come to storybrook with us so we can get to know each other please?"

Neil" yes but me and Taylor have to pack first"

Rumple" really?! You mean it?"

Neil" I want to get to know my son and protect Taylor that's all"

Then I heard the front door open. Who left it unlocked we never leave anything unlocked anymore . Footsteps came closer revealing a women . Tamara...

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now