kidnapped again what a suprize😐

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Henry's p.o.v

Once again i tried to dream i was on Neverland , but still it didn't work. Did they forget about us. well then again for them it's only been like two months and in our time it's been 2 years . I hope they are ok. I woke up and i was back on Neverland? what's going on?did it work this time? i heard a twig snap in the direction of the woods. I quickly turned my head and saw Felix.

Henry" hey Felix what's going on?"

he didn't say anything he just grabbed my arms and tied my hands together.

Henry" Felix stop let me go"

Felix" Pan's orders"

Henry" where is Taylor?"

Felix"you will see soon"

we walked threw the woods and stopped at the familiar camp . I see Pan talking to a lost boy but no Taylor.He walked over to me and Felix and untied my hands. What the hell did he do to her .

Pan" hello Henry glad you're back in the game"

Henry" game what are you talking about where's Taylor?"

Pan" don't worry i just control her power now, but don't worry she's safe"

Henry" you killed her!?"

Pan" no she's just sleeping i gained control of her powers that's it, she should be waking up soon..."

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now