Pan's lost girl?

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pan's p.o.v

When all the lost boys finally fell asleep I put Felix in charge because he is my second in command and my only true friend. I started walking to Taylor's tree house and when I got there I saw someone looking up at the tree

( the tree house is hidden by vines but if you look close you can see it so the only way to know it's there is if you know about it)

the house was in. Hook he is the only one that could know where her tree house is! Before they could get to her I teleported inside her house and picked he up bridal style carefully so I don't wake her up. I then teleported to my tree house that's on one of the islands near the main island .

( a/n we still are in Neverland just on an island that is near the big one i tried to say it in a way that makes since the best i could ).

I laid her down on the bed and I felt something Once agin... Why do I always have this feeling when i'm around her? Do i really like her in that way? No i was lying to her so I could use her powers against my enemies. But there is something about her that always makes me feel soft and weak but I don't know why but I kinda like it, no push the feelings aside focus on how much power you will get.yes the power will be so strong not even my son the dark one can stop me. But she is so innocent maybe I should give love a chance? No! love is weakness, but maybe it could also be strength? I don't know what I should do I love her I think but I need power. why is she different I have killed and tortured many people including girls so why is this one so different , it's like I can't harm her or I hurt myself not physically but mentally and that hurts worse, it's a pain that never leaves you it lingers and stays in the back of your mind. I took off my shoes and laid next to her . I took a good look at her and I knew that my plan was working she is falling for me but it also backfired because I'm also falling for her. I wrapped my arms around her small waist and knew one thing I should give her and love a chance and go on with my plan i'm going to ask her to help me with it tomorrow but the thing she won't know until it's to late is she can never leave me or the people she cares most about will be dead and there is nothing that can stop it from happening....

Taylor's p.o.v

When I woke up I noticed that this is not my tree house. Wait what where am I? Then I realized that Pan had his arms around my waist. Well I know a good way to wake him up. I kissed him for about 5 seconds before he started to kiss back. yup I knew it would work.

Peter''well that's one way to wake up"

I blushed a little at his comment dam it I  don't want him to know that i'm falling for him!

Peter "so i'm growing on you?"


Maybe he will believe me? Who am I kidding I can't lie that good.

Peter" oh realy?"

we both started to lean in again and my brain kept on screaming no don't do this don't listen to your heart , this will never end well for you, but my heart said yes he is the one for you and you can find the good in him, he is not evil just lost. So I did something that I haven't done in a wile I listened to my heart for once and I felt our lips crash together it wasn't rough at all but gentle and sweat I was surprised that pan wasn't more dominate. When he pulled away we both just smiled at one another . Well ok then I think he likes me too should I really go threw with this am a ready?

Peter" I love you Taylor and I wanted to ask you something?"

he asked nervous. I tense up a bit but he doesn't seem to notice does he like me ? Or does he want me to do something for him? Ok just calm down and breath don't make it noticeable it might just be a simple question.

Taylor" you can ask me anything you want"

Ok breath your ok you are ok breathe.

Peter"will you be my lost girl?''

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now