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Taylor's pov

Me and Peter are walking back to camp . I don't think he fully trust me yet because he said that Henry has to stay on Neverland until I make the charm and he also said he was scared of death yet he has always faced death many times and was not frightened at all . So I have to make it before a week before Pan dies or he's going to kill Henry For immortality .

Emma's pov

Emma-" we aren't leaving Taylor behind!"

She warned us before she wouldn't betray us like that

Rigina -" well it's the only way to get Henry back and anyway she betrayed us and once we get Henry back I don't want Pan to get him again "

Emma" she warned us that it wasn't true right before it happened "

Regina" then why won't she tell us where she or Henry are?"

Emma" maybe she den't know Pan could be keeping her away from their camp and hasn't seen Henry."

Regina" I'm only focused on getting my son back we can't save everyone Emma"

I love Henry and Taylor more than anything there has to be another way . I know I just met Taylor but she's just like I was alone and scared . Taylor I'm not leaving you alone like I was...

Pan's pov

(A week later)

It's going good between me and Taylor, but I have to prove to my boys that I'm not going soft for her without hurting her physically and I have to hide her from everyone That is trying to take her away.

I hope she doesn't find out the truth before I can stop her from ever leaving.

Hey guys sorry for so many short chapters I tried to add more to them but the way I wrote this so long ago in like 6th grade which was about 5 years ago now that's how I wrote it before and I can't add before the next chapter because the thing that happens right after is in the next chapter so I'm trying the best with that like share peace guys.

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now