meeting more people:|

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I walk over to the door and greet her she's probably very confused at the moment.

Taylor"hey Tamara is it? I'm Taylor nice to meet you"

we shook each others hands . Tamara looked around the apartment probably for Neil.

Tamara"Nice to meet you too Taylor I've heard a lot about you where is Neil?"

Taylor" he's in the living room "

Tamara " thank you Taylor"

I felt something weird something is a little off about her. I don't think about it to much though I want Neil to be happy.

Taylor "No problem "

but that doesn't mean I am not keeping my guard up Pan will do anything to get us back to Neverland he made that very clear I can't risk letting my guard down.

(time skip)

Neil" Taylor you need to stay with me Pan is after the both of us no wondering around the woods "

Taylor"Ok I'm happy that we are going well not about Pan wanting to kidnap us but I'm gonna stay with you I don't like being alone when I know Pan is after me remember the first time you left me alone? "

Neil" yes you almost burned down the whole apartment "

Ya well that's because I wanted food and you didn't teach me how to use anything yet. Also I thought I saw his shadow and fire is the only thing that hurts it.

(in Storybrook because it cuts to them back in Storybrook in the show)

Taylor"wow it's quiet and small and there's like no people"

It's actually kinda nice and peaceful here and I don't have to worry about the creeps in the city.

Emma"ya it's a small town but its home"

Henry" ya it's peaceful"

We walked into a dinner called granny's and Henry went up to a woman wearing all black she looked like a business woman or the mayor by the way she was dressed shes respected. She had black hair and was short not that short but shorter than mine but then again my hair is really long I really need to cut it soon.

Henry" hey mom"

Wait I thought Emma was his mom? Is she lesbian or something? I'm very confused.

Regina "Hey Henry did you guys find Baelfire?"

I stayed close to Neil because I was nervous I don't like people at all I used to but Pan changed me I cant be trapped or restrained I panic he trapped me on one of the darkest part of the island with lost boys coming after me, especially new boys Neverland wasn't really pleasant so I don't like new people unless Neil completely trusts them then its ok.

Henry"ya and this is his friend Taylor "

Henry pointed in my direction and motioned me to walk over.I was a little hesitant but I slowly walked over a little nervous ever since Pan he well I've just never been the same and I don't think I ever will.

Regina"Hi I'm Regina I'm the mayor of Storybrook"

Taylor" Hi I'm Taylor"

Regina " so how did you meet Baelfire?"

why does everyone want to know that story it's me going threw hell i don't like to remember that thank you very much.Well I'm not telling the whole story again short version it is .

Taylor " he was an old friend then we were separated for awhile and then he found me on the streets in Boston "

Regina "why were you on the streets?"

Again with the questions do I have to make it any clearer that i don't like this subject

Taylor " it's a long story I'll tell you later"

I really hope she forgets about it I hate telling the story it just brings back to many memories .

Rumple" Taylor want to do this now because if he finds you he might try to take your magic away or manipulate you into using it as a weapon and Storybrook has magic it will be easy for him to get here"

no shit why do you think I left in the first place I couldn't take it anymore these people really gotta learn common sense

Taylor"ya lets just get this over with are you sure the spell will work?"

I hope Pan will just get out of my life after this I can't be found I can't go back to the devil himself in the Hell that they call Neverland .

Rumple" yes now lets go"

Neil" hold on, Emma is there any place we can stay?"

Emma " ya granny should have some rooms"

An old women pulled out a key and handed it to Neil

Granny " here you go "

Neil" thank you granny"

ok well I guess that's granny .We went to Neil's new apartment and before anyone could tell me anything I laid I. The couch and fell asleep...


If there is any confusion everyone in the enchanted forest know Baelfire as Baelfire but Taylor ,Emma and Henry will say Neil because that's his modern name eventually everyone will call him Neil but they are the same person so there is no confusion to people who don't watch ouat

Another update and I found the notebook for before I was lost so updates for that should start again very soon.

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now