Love gone?

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Taylor's p.o.v

I woke up in Pan's tree house and someone's arms were wrapped tightly around my waist.

( she's not tied up anymore)

Pan" morning love"

I didn't say anything i mean what's the point . At least today i feel a lot better and i think i can fight back . Then Pan rolled on top of me bringing me out of my thoughts and back to reality . Great so much for going anywhere now.

Pan" come on love talk to me"

Taylor" at least put a shirt on"

Pan" why should i i'm comfortable right here "

He moved closer leaning in for a kiss but i moved before he could and he ended up kissing my cheek.

Pan" aww you mad at me aren't you love? is it because i took your powers away"

he said in a baby voice that's really starting to piss me off . I don't care if he can read my mind right now all I want to do is punch him.

Taylor" why , why did you do this i loved you i would have never thought of leaving you . I wouldn't let anyone take me away from you before don't become this evil person again . I found you once i might not be able to find you again"

Pan" oh love that's so cute you think you can change my mind? Nothing will ever change my mind and what have I said about lying ?"

Taylor" I'm not lying I would have never thought of leaving you "

he grabbed my chin and forced me to kiss him but i refused to kiss back i won't let him control me anymore i have to fight the stupid spell.

Pan" kiss back love"

Taylor" no!"

Pan" oh really?"

he started to kiss me again and i kissed back! no no no

Pan" i told you love i control you "

Taylor"i hate you"

Pan" no you don't your just mad at me, but that will change soon"

i could tell that me saying that hurt him a lot but i mean what am i so posed to say to him he pulled this crap again I'm not gonna do this "

Taylor" i won't let you play with my emotions not again pan"

Pan" you like me still and you know it there's no changing how you feel towards me and the spell on you will only make it worst for you"

Taylor" i will find a way to break it"

Pan" impossible i used blood magic my bold is in you and your's is in me"

Taylor" then why can't i control you at all?"

Pan" because i cast the spell not you so i control what you can and cannot do"

( he's still on top o me)

I tried to push him off but he's to strong for me.

Pan" trying to resist me love?"

Taylor" let me go!"

i struggled to get him off of me because this is crazy like dude get the fuck off of me already we have been like this for 20 minutes like are you good you done . He started to forcefully kiss to to stop me and i soon melted into the kiss because of the stupid spell! part of me wanted to forgive Peter but he's not there anymore and i'm questioning if he ever was. I was so in deep thought i didn't realize that Pan didn't pull away. He finally pulled away and smirked at me.

Pan" hey love i'll make you a deal if you kiss me then i'll get off of you"

really that's it? no there's gotta be a catch i know him way too well for that he can't make it that easy for me

Taylor" what's the catch?"

Pan" you know the rules of the game love ,you have to kiss me or i won't tell you anything "

Should i do this? will the catch be worth it? how bad is the catch? but the one question that remains in my head ...

Does he still love me?

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now