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Taylor's p.o.v

After Pan left I fell back asleep still tired but I was woken up by Peter shaking me wait did I just say Peter i mean Pan why won't he let me sleep.

Taylor" what?"

I sleepily looked up at him a little mad because he woke me up from my sleep time you do not wake up a girl while they are sleep

Pan" remember our little deal?"

He gave me his signature devilish smile. Oh crap what does he want with me now

Taylor" yah what do you want?"

I'm a little scared because I don't want to loose his trust but I also don't want to hurt anyone.

Pan" Emma broke the rules and I want you to look like you betrayed them and make it look like your in love with me but that can't be too hard right love?"

Taylor"why do you not want her to trust me?"

I can't lose my only chance to get out of here and back home well if I can even call anywhere home now I have no one now Neil is gone and I'm far from my time from being on Neverland for so long.

Pan" because it will stop her from trying to take you from me and I might not see ever see you again and I'm not gonna loose you not again that was hell enough"

I can't believe it he genuinely cares there was no sign in his face showing other wise. Maybe I can give him one more chance .I sat up and hugged him tightly i know its crazy to change like this so quick but he just seems to be just a lost boy that has been hurt and is looking for love.

Taylor" you will never lose me"

this is my only chance to gain his full trust and get Henry out of here but I don't know if I want to leave now I have to think about this.I'm so happy I'm good at telepathy that is the only magic I can use now because of the stupid bracelet that takes away most of my magic. sorry Emma this is going to hurt A lot.

Emma's p.o.v

We were walking towards Pan's camp when a jolt of pain shot threw my head and I was also pushed against a tree when that happened and I herd a voice and it kinda sounded familiar..

unknown" Emma don't say anything just think or Pan will know I'm talking to you also tell Regina to connect everyone's minds I don't have much time"

Emma" Regina connect everyone's minds"

Regina" why?"

Can she ever just not question me for once

Emma" apparently Pan is watching over us so just do it"

Regina " ok guys warning you now this is gonna hurt"

Then another bolt of pain shot threw my head once again. Why does that hurt so much?

Emma" ok who are you?"

Taylor" it's Taylor I got to go but just remember what ever you see is not real I'm just acting I'm on your side it's all in my plan to get Henry away from Pan I'm sorry but I got to go"

Emma" bye kid be safe"

Taylor" I will bye"

Taylor's p.o.v

I disconnected from Emma and over herd Pan talking to the boys

Pan" boys make sure all your arrows are dipped in dream shade they wanna cheat our games then let's show them what happens when you cheat Peter Pan's games"

oh my god they are gonna try to kill them I'm sorry Emma I can't save all of you......

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now