do I love him?

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Taylor's p.o.v

Once I shook his hand I immediately got my memories back I was about to teleport to Emma but then I saw the black bracelet that Pan created it takes away your magic that bastard. Now that I think about what I was thinking earlier I'm really disappointed in myself why did I think like that did I actually like Pan one of the most evil and ruthless person in existence?

Taylor" afraid of me going against you?"

Inside I'm terrified of him but I can't show him that I'm scared of him I am stronger then that I will never stop fighting. He will not get in my head.

Pan"We'll you don't blame me now do you remember where we left off on training?"

well here we go again with this I hate training

Taylor"how could I forget .."

I hated this so much he gave me some magic because he doesn't trust me without the bracelet on. I took out my heart and gave it to him. I know what your thinking what the hell are you doing? Well Pan wants to make me have no weaknesses for some weird reason so he was teaching me to think with my brain not my heart so if anyone takes my heart there is no controlling me and there is a spell on it so my heart is indestructible I was apparently born with it. 

Pan" ready?"

I hate everything about this

Taylor" I guess"

I hate you so much you asshole

Pan" drink from the waterfall"

Fuck you!The waterfall that we are behind heals you but once you drink from it you can never leave Neverland. I started to walk towards it but then I snapped out of the trance and walked back over to Pan Hey haven't done that in awhile so I did ok.

Pan" you will need to practice more but let's do that tomorrow you just got your memories back and I bet you have a lot on your mind"

Taylor" ok"

Pan" oh and  don't tell anyone anything that happens when we are alone"

He said and his voice got a little deeper. wait what why ? He has complete control over me again. so why can't I tell anyone anything? what is he planning now . But the way he said that kinda scares me so I'll listen but doesn't mean I won't question him.Yet.

Taylor" w-why we just train"

I started to walk back slowly not wanting to be close to him at all right now. What the hell does he want.. he slowly follows me walking around me like a predator.

Pan" well love I didn't struggle and waited for this long just to train with you"

I was still slowly backing away but I backed into a wall and eventually into a corner great this is just what I wanted to be stuck between a wall and him.This is starting to happen way to often.Wait then what the hell does he want with me?I mean I'm not special in any way of use to him so what could he possibly want from me?

Taylor" then what do you want?"

He cupped my cheek i his hand and looked into my eyes. We were way too close for comfort I want to leave so badly right now he's really starting to scare me. I need my space bubble and I'm castriphobic I'm gonna start to panick soon if he does not move a little bit away.

Pan" I told you love I want you"

He said he just smiled at me but it wasn't a nice comferting  one it was  an evil one that sent shivers down my spine.

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now