Game change

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Taylor's p.o.v

I woke up next to Pan and he was sleeping wait what happened last night I just remember falling asleep after I had a huge headache from thinking. I look over at him and he actually looks innocent nothing like the true monster he really is. I know better ,I know the monster behind the mask and I won't be tricked by his games  at least I hope I don't. I don't know how much longer I can hold up this innocent act with him I have to keep Henry safe but first I got to get my freedom and if that means I have to act like I love Pan. I have to do this for Henry I hope that all this work is worth it.

Emma's .p.o.v

I was starring at the map that Pan gave me and was thinking about what he said his words were stuck in my head like an annoying catchy song. ' you will only be able to read that map when you stop denying who you really are'. What am I denying? This makes no sense at all I have to concentrate but I can't . What happened to Henry is he ok and what do they want with Taylor? Regina pulled me out of my thoughts .

Regina "this is getting us nowhere if we just use magic then we might have Henry now!"

Emma" no Regina even if we figure out this map Pan said it will lead us straight to Henry and we can't just leave Taylor behind she's already went threw hell here once we can't abandon her here"

We won't leave her behind I don't want her to be alone like I was and I won't give up On either one of them.

Pan's p.o.v

Regina put a tracking spell on the map I gave them thinking they can cheat well if that's how they want to play then the game is about to change....

Hey guys another rewrite trying to finish this by the end of the week and also I will have a big story update day coming up soon hope you guys like all the new chapters from my other stories comment what story you would like the most updates from and after I finish them I will rewrite them just as I did with this one because I started all these stories when I was in like 6th-8th grade so the grammar and spelling isn't that good. And sorry I couldn't make this chapter any longer it's because of what happens in the next chapter I can't do much .

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now