he's gone or is he?

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As soon as I was asleep I woke up in Neverland again great..This better work

Pan "come back so soon love?"

Here we go

Taylor "what do you want with me do you still really want my magic because there is no other reason that you would need me"

Pan" Actually there is something else I want from you that's not your magic"

He started to walk around me slowly like a predator and I'm his next prey, I keep eye contact with him I won't let this demon boy overpower me again. He's done this before to scare me when I first arrived on the island I was just a kid then just turned 10 all the boys intimidated me back then but that was then I'm older and stronger now.

Taylor"then why do you want me back here so badly what do you need from me? I'm just a girl"

I'm standing there waiting for his answer not breaking eye contact with him, but all he did was smile and laugh a bit .

Pan " love I want you "

No no no this is not real it can't be he can't.I slowly started to walk backwards and I backed into a tree great just what I needed.This cannot be happening right now why me just why dude you are like 100+ years old that's weird well then again he is technically 17-18 because you don't age here but if he did age he would be 100+ it doesn't matter if he's cute, wait why and I thinking like this I hate him what the hell is wrong with you brain stop no teenager thoughts stop !

Taylor" why?"

well that's all I could say I think I know what he means I'm probably overthinking again it's probably nothing right?

Pan" you'll find out when your back with me"

Asshole!Why the games well I'm never coming back so that's a hell no I will never be his again ever.

Taylor" you'll never find me "

Pan" Taylor everyone knows that Peter Pan never fails"

I can't stay anymore to many memories good and bad mostly nightmares of this place. It's all coming back to me it just hit me as if someone just placed every bad memory of this place at once . I can't do this anymore I'm going to star to panic and he will trap me in the dream.Neil they better let you wake me up.

Taylor " Pan stay away from me and Neil I'm done, Neil wake me up please "

He looked into my eyes like he knew something

Pan" no fun well until we speak again "

And with that he was gone and I woke up on the couch

Neil " Tay are you ok?"

Taylor " ya well no well physically yes mentally I don't think so and he said that he didn't want my magic"

Neil" then what does he want?"

Taylor "Me"

Neil "Why?"

Taylor"I don't know he wouldn't tell me"

I have an idea but I can't tell him that.My mind is going in a hundred miles a second I don't know what to think now does he like me? No that's impossible he can't love anyone .

"Rumple "he could be lying "

Taylor "I know him well and he can't lie to me I can tell when he does"

He can't lie to me I always see right threw it or did he want me to know ? He knew something he already has a plan as usual.I don't know this conversation in my head it giving me a headache actually everything is giving me a headache at the moment. I just need some actual sleep then I'll be fine at lest I hope I will.
"Neil/ rumple"then why?"

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now