deal or no deal

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Taylor's p.o.v

Really he took my memories What the fuck man, I mean really I hear he is feared so why take them away? I'm sitting next to Henry on a log that we have been using as a chair and I'm soooo board I mean there is nothing to do no TV,video games, iPads, phones, and no one is dumb enough to give me a weapon so I can't try to get away or stab some one so there is really nothing fun for me to do.

Pan" why don't you join the party?"

He wants us to join him really after he kidnapped us ?

Henry"What's there to celebrate?"

Yah Henry is right I mean what is there to celebrate kidnapping us?

Pan" we'll you two coming to Neverland of course"

Then we both just looked at him and I think Henry was thinking the same thing I was and I was thinking dude we didn't come to Neverland you hired people to kidnap us and he took away my memory's so shut the hell up!

Pan" Taylor follow me"

Taylor" why?"

He was surprised a bit because I questioned him and I don't think anyone does that to him because of his reaction. Questioning people is one thing people hate that I do all the time because it's fun for me!

Pan" just come with me"

Then his bright green eyes tuned into a darker shade of green. Ok he's mad like really mad I'll listen I won't be dumb

Taylor" ok"

I only didn't fight back because I don't want him to hurt Henry or me .

Pan" come on"

We walked threw the thick dense jungle until we reached a waterfall but the opening was covered in dream shade, the only thing I remember is that is bad and it will be a long and painful death.I remember Neil taught me about it and how deadly it is. Pan moved the deadly plant to the side and walked behind the waterfall I didn't follow I didn't even walk past the dream shade because I don't trust Pan because me kidnapped me and kinda threatened me back at camp so I don't really want to trust him at the moment.

Pan" come on don't you trust me?"

you gotta be kidding right? sir you seriosly want me to trust you, you took my memories, kidnapped me and thretened me and now you want me to trust you?

Taylor" do you really want me to answer that?"

like seriosly are you dumb

Pan"Do you want your memories back?"

Fuck you man seriosly your a dick...

Taylor" fine!"

I followed him to the back of the cave and he lit a torch the cave was small but big enough to put like at least 10 people in it. Ok I just want my memories back I do not like you you asshole

Pan" ok I'm not gonna give you your memories yet..."

BITCH fuck you whyyyyyyyy

Taylor" why what do you want!?"

ok I'm done now I'm going to be really annoying now because I am really mad.

Pan" a deal, after you get your memories back you will listen to me no matter what and you will never leave the Island "

You gotta be kidding me whyyyyyyyy

Taylor " Why would I agree to that I will protect Henry and get him off this island "

Pan" Because you will have your memories and you can protect him better if you remember the dangers on this island. Also I don't want you to leave I need you for something very important "

Taylor " why did you bring me here?"

Pan " that's for me to know and for you to figure out it's the game"

I hesently I know I'm gonna regret this sooner or later but I need my memories to get any chance of protecting Henry and getting him home even if that means that I will never be able to leave.I shook his hand and said something I will defenetly regret Later .

Taylor " ok fine deal"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~another update today I'm trying the best I can to get as much done as possable I'm sorry it took so long to get to this a lot has been going on at school with exams so we have crome books right now so I am able to update and edit my story i hope you like the chapters to come

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now