he didn't dare!!

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Taylor's p.o.v

sorry Emma I had to it was the only way to keep them safe.I was walking back to camp so Pan wouldn't get suspicious then all of a sudden I was surrounded by a blue dust stuff then the world all went dark.....

Pan's p.o.v

yes it worked she will soon be Fully under my control forever . I took her to my tree house that is on a small near island near the big one.

( hope that made sense).

With this potion i can control her every move , but her thoughts are her own , good thing she can't use mind magic she doesn't know enough nor is she strong enough to here. I lay her down on my bed and laid next to her I played with her hair and smiled at her , she's so adorable when she's asleep , wait what am i saying no i can't really love her she's mine not equal with me . She will never be able to leave me ever...

Taylor's p.o.v

I woke up and my head was pounding , what did he do to me?

Pan" hello love"

Taylor"morning what happened?"

Pan" i don't know i found you unconscious outside of camp so i brought you here what do you remember?"

I don't believe he just found me unconscious I think he was the reason why I was but I gotta act like I believe him for now.

Taylor" Just some blue dust surrounded me then darkness"

Pan"is that it?"


my head was still pounding 1,000 miles an hour and it hurt like hell. Pan seemed to notice and actually looked concerned?

Pan" are you ok?"

Taylor"yah i'm fine it's just my head it hurts a lot"'

Pan"well you were knocked out so i can't do much with that"

Taylor" thanks"

Pan" for what?"

Taylor " for not letting anyone take me away from you"

wait why am i saying this? what's going on? I was acting before but I can't control this

Pan" Taylor do you love me?"

Taylor " yes of course why wouldn't i?"

I do like him but I would not ever say it like that what the hell is- NO HE DIDN'T DARE!!!!

The lost one ( peter pan once upon a time ) completed * but still editing *Where stories live. Discover now