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"What is that supposed to mean?" Hoseok asked. He was still in his uniform, and carrying his luggage, with his brother walking beside him.

"This means, you are getting married young Man!" Jimin said excitedly and clapped his Hands, still walking.

Hoseok stopped, having a small frown on his face, "what?" Jimin asked, turning around.
"You are kidding me right?" The man in the Uniform asked, with still his frown there.
No I am not. Uncle Min really wants you to marry his son, He was almost begging Dad to let You marry him" Jimin said, throwing his arm over Hoseok's shoulder and making him move with him.

They were still at the station and Hoseok had just returned after completing his service in Army. He became a commander within months because of how disciplined and determined he was. After his 5 years of service, he is finally Back.

"But I don't even know him Jimin"' Hoseok saidhis frown deepening, his voice was still calm and composed. Army life teaches you a lot of Discipline and self control you see.
"Yeah... but Dad and Uncle Min have already made their minds" Jimin said shrugging and getting into the car, with Hoseok following soon after, Hoseok didn't say anything and remained quiet rest of the journey. He loved his parents and respected all their decisions, Hoseok was an introvert from the very beginning, didn't like speaking more than necessary, so, even when his parents took decisions for him, most of his life, he never complained or argued.

He knew they'll always do the best for him, Uncle Min is a very humble and kind man, One of the closest friends of his father. He is extremely down to earth, even after being a billionaire, Whenever he comes to busan, he always treats Jimin and Hoseok as his own sons.

Mrs. Min is just as same, She and Hoseok's Mother have a bond like sisters. Though the Min Couple is the richest family in South Korea, no one can find it out by their behaviour or auras. It's not like they don't dress like rich people, it's just that, they are so humble and friendly, so different from the so called rich people out there.
Mr. And Mrs. Min, have just one son. Hoseok And Jimin have never seen him, He always stays in Seoul, Hoseok was never really interested in seeing him, but now, he just wonders, how his future groom looks like. "He's beautiful.." Hoseok said in his low Voice, with a spark in his eyes, looking at the picture of Min Yoongi. His face a small, hardly noticeable smile, but his eyes said, he's mesmerised by the beauty the boy holds, Mrs. Min and Mrs. Jung hugged each other, While Mr. Min and Mr. Jung looked at each other and sighed relieved.


Hoseok had come back home about 4 hours ago. This was dinner time and everyone was seated at the dining table, Here is when they all told Hoseok that they want him to marry Yoongi, Hoseok just smiled politely at them and agreed being the responsible and obedient son He is, So here was Mr. Min showing Hoseok the picture of his son, Though external beauty doesn't matter to him much, still when he saw Yoongi's picture, he couldn't deny how beautiful the boy is, all the four elders on the table then exchanged looks and realised what Mr. Min was about to show next. Their previous expression of relief was changed into one of being nervous.
Jimin and Hoseok noticed this, and were about to ask, but Mr. Min, who was sitting right beside Hoseok looked at him,
"Hoseok ah... what I am about to show you Next, is a video of my son, After watching this video, if you don't wanna marry him, we totally understand. But. Just know this, that we came here, because you are our last hope" He said and turned towards his wife, who gave him an encouraging nod.
Hoseok just frowned a bit, but still didn't Question when Uncle Min gave him his phone, And played the video. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"
This was the first thing Hoseok heard when The video was played, All of them visibly Flinched, except Hoseok, whose eyes narrowed, looking at the angry and irritated Frown on the beautiful face of his future Husband.

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