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“Hyung.. are you s-sure about this?” Yoongi asked anxiously, looking nervous and scared like always. While Yoonhee just smiled at him, wearing his own same t-shirt as Yoongi and ruffling his hair just as Yoongi’s.
Once he was completely ready, and looked exactly like Yoongi, he made his way out of the room, followed by Yoongi.
“You wait here and just watch” Yoonhee whispered.
Just from the corner, form where they could see the kitchen where the maids were working. Yoonhee took a deep breath and gave an expression just like Yoongi used to have, unreadable, though vulnerable. He made his way towards the kitchen, walking exactly like Yoongi.
Yoongi observed him from behind the wall, curiously. Once Yoonhee reached the kitchen, one or two maids looked at his direction, but when he realised it was just Yoongi and not Yoonhee, they just sighed and went back to work.
Yoonhee opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water, and started drinking from it. Very smoothly, he moved behind a maid, who was about to move back. The moment she stepped back, Yoonhee spilled the water on himself, making it look like it was the maid’s fault the maid gasped and so did the others, “Oh I’m sorry-”
“What are you blind bitch?” Yoonhee shouted angrily shocking every maid present there.
They didn’t say anything for a moment but then, one of the maids snickered, “Wow.. the mute prince Yoongi actually knows how to speak.”
“Of course I do.” Yoonhee spat at her, “But I don’t like speaking to filthy bitches like you”
“Yaah! Kid, I said I’m sorry-” But before the maid could even finish, Yoonhee splashed the water on her face, making everyone shocked.
“Shut up hoe. I don’t wanna hear your irritating voice anymore! That is why I never talked to you! Fucking Assholes! I don’t know how Yoonhee manages to even locate at your pathetic faces!” Yoonhee spat and left the kitchen, going towards Yoongi, who was still hiding behind the wall, but his eyes were filled with tears of guilt looking at the maid.
Once Yoonhee was out of sight of the Maids, one of them said "Jesus Christ! It was better that spoilt brat never talked! He has a bitchy attitude, a bitchy mouth!! Fucking ridiculous!"
"That is why he never looked or talked to us! He finds us pathetic! But you know what?! He is the one who's the most pathetic!" Another one snapped. While Yoongi couldn't help but cry.
“H-Hyung... why w-would you do-" Before Yoongi could finish, Yoonhee quickly took Yoongi to their room, and closed the door shut, before turning around and laughing loudly, uncontrollably, like a maniac.
“D-Did you see her f-face!?? Hahaha" Yoonhee laughed, bending over.
Yoongi just frowned, "But h-hyung.. that was w-wrong-"
"No it wasn't! What was wrong was them not acknowledging your presence. Now they'll be alert when you are around." Yoonhee snickered, sitting on the bed relaxed.
“B-But... that is not h-how I wanted them to acknowledge me h-hyung! That's rude! That's bad-”
"No Yoongi!" Yoonhee sat up, going closer to Yoongi, looking straight into the glossy eyes of his twin, "This is how they will learn to acknowledge you, respect you, fear you... that is what power is...” Yoonhee said in a creepily calming voice, still not breaking eye contact with Yoongi, who just gulped.
"I d-don’t want them to fear me. I just wanted them to k-know me... to l-love me-"
“They will love you once they fear you Yoongi...” Yoonhee said, with the same calming and low voice, stroking Yoongi’s hair gently.
"B-But hyung... I don’t th-think-"
“Do you trust hyung Yoongi ah?” Yoonhee asked with a sweet smile, tilting his head, still stroking Yoongi’s hair. Yoongi just nodded.
“Then do as I say. Hyung is never wrong... okay?” Yoonhee said.
“B-But-ah” Before Yoongi could complete Yoonhee held his hair a bit roughly, puling them a bit.
“Wow that is what I call bad... arguing with your Hyung...” Yoonhee said, his eyes still looking straight into Yoongi’s, piecing into them, with a mischievous smirk.
“Are you a bad boy Yoongi ah...? hmm?” Yoongi bit his trembling lip, “h-hyung... you’re h-hurting m-me-”
“You are hurting me more Yoongi ah...” Yoonhee said with a sad pout and pitiful eyes. “You are hurting hyung by not trusting him. By not doing as I say. Do you want Hyung to leave you alone, just the others did? Do you want hyung to not give you any attention anymore-”
"No! No hyung! Please. I d-didn’t mean it like that-"
Yoongi said desperately. He had No one but Yoonhee. Yoonhee was the only person who cared for him, stayed with him, played with him. He can’t imagine Yoonhee ignoring him like others. Even the thought seems unbearable.
Yoonhee smiled at him and stroked his hair again,
“Good. Then do just as hyung says... I am doing this for your own good Yoongi ah... okay? Just do as hyung says.” Yoonhee said in his slow and calming voice and hugged his bother, with an evil smile on his face.
It has been a year now since Yoonhee came in their lives. And it has been a year since he has been acting like Yoongi, a rude, arrogant, money minded brat. Everyone is scared of Yoongi now, because of his anger issues.
Initially his parents thought it just a phase, or just a mood swing or something, but now they know it’s in their boy’s nature. But thankfully, whenever they give Yoongi a new gadget that he askes for, he becomes happy and better. What they are concerned about is how he treats their other son.
Well, honestly, Yoongi, who they all believe is Yoonhee, is suffering the most. Because Yoonhee has made him into something, worse than a human. A puppet, a scared, anxious and vulnerable puppet, who doesn't talk at all.
"Wow! Today was awesome!" Yoonhee said, sighing happily, laying on their bed. Yoongi just gulped and sat by the end of the bed, waiting for the instructions.
“Wasn't it great Yoongi? The expressions on Eomma's face when I shouted at that maid for breaking the phone?? Aah! I loved it!"
Yoongi didn't say anything, just kept on looking down like a good brothers. Good brothers don't look into their hyung's eyes, it's disrespectful. He wants be to be a good brother, the best brother, because Yoonhee loves him and whatever he does is for Yoongi, so that Yoongi gets the attention he never got. And it actually worked. Apparently, after the so called change in the fake Yoongi's behavior, they saw the change in Yoonhee or the real Yoongi as well. He was always scared, biting his lips, afraid of even going out of his room but surprisingly, he wanted to stay with Yoongi (Real Yoonhee) all the time. This is because what Yoonhee tells him everyday, every night.
"Yoongi ah... Hyung asked you something..." Yoonhee asked in his usual calm and composed voice, looking at Yoongi with his piercing eyes.
Yoongi jumped and looked at Yoonhee and then quickly bowed down, “I’m... I’m sorry hyung!” He said in a shaking voice.
“So you were actually not paying attention huh?” Yoonhee chuckled, crossing his one leg over the other.
Yoongi was trembling by now. He loves his hyung. He Loves him more than anything else, but he knows what’s coming next, and he can’t help but be afraid.
"So Yoongi is a bad boy? A bad brother-"
"N-No hyung... I’m... I’m s-so sorry..." Yoongi kneeled down, totally bowing down with his forehead touching the ground now.
“What do bad boys get Yoongi ah?? Hmm??” Yoonhee asked getting up from the bed, making his place near Yoongi. Yoongi was shaking and crying. But he had to answer, or it’ll get worse.
“Th-They get p-punished...”
“Good.” Yoonhee smiled, crouching down and stroking Yoongi’s hair, “Wow go the bathroom and wait for me.” with this he left their room, leaving a disoriented and shaking Yoongi behind.
Yoongi knew he had to do as instructed or his hyung will get angry and he doesn’t want that. So he got up with shaking legs, and dragged himself to the bathroom, waiting for Yoonhee to come back.
Once Yoonhee came back, he had a jar filled with ice cubes, he was still smiling sweetly at Yoongi, like always.
“Now be a good boy for hyung and get into the bathtub.” Yoonhee said, opening the faucet.
Yoongi stepped in and the water was cold already but then we had settled down, Yoonhee poured all the ice cubes in the tub.
“All the way down Yoongi ah... Go all the way down for hyung...” Yoonhee said with his usual slow and calm voice, now sitting beside the bathtub. Yoongi was already shivering, his teeth tuttering, his clothes were completely wet. Still, he knew he has to obey, so he started shifting and lied down, submerging even his face under the freezing water now.
But as soon as he was completely inside, he panicked and tried to come out. However, he felt a hand pushing his head down, He felt the water entering his nose and tried to push, but the hand was now replaced by two, pushing him down harshly. He felt the water clogging his throat painfully and he started feeling dizzy. His limbs were about to give up as well, but suddenly he was pulled out.
Yoongi panted harshly, coughing the water painfully. Panicky looking around and found Yoonhee looking at him with a smirk, and his own wet clothes now.
“Did you learn your lesson Yoongi ah??” Yoonhee smiled. “You’ll be a good boy for hyung, right?”
Yoongi wanted to cry so bad, he felt so scared, terrified. But he just bit his lip and nodded, while Yoonhee stroked his wet hair gently. Yoongi suppressed a sob, his body shaking badly, while Yoonhee just smiled at him.
“Yoongi ah... You know I’m doing all this for you right??” Yoonhee said, “Think about it? Have you noticed how much importance the maids give you now? How much Attention our parents give you now? Hmm??”
Yoongi looked at Yoonhee and remembered how actually how many maids looked at Yoongi now, look of pity and sympathy in their eyes, towards the poor vulnerable boy. Even his mother and father paid more attention to Yoongi, thinking he is the innocent Yoonhee. Moreover he doesn’t have to go to school anymore, as Yoonhee goes there disguising as him, once every weak.
About 8 months ago, Chohee had come to talk to Yoongi, asking him if he wanted to go to school, thinking of him as Yoonhee. Yoonhee was also present there and he used to go to school as Yoongi everyday at that time. Yoongi wanted to go to school, now, when he had a brother. But when Yoonhee shook his head, standing behind their mother, Yoongi just gulped and told her that he doesn’t wanna go yet. Thankfully, because of Yoonhee’s adoptive parents death, Mr. And Mrs. Min didn’t want to force him to attend school yet, so it was not an issue. There, Yoonhee overreacted as Yoongi, saying that even he doesn’t want to go to school, so they agreed to send him just once a week.
The point is, their parents play a lot of attention on Yoongi (who they think is Yoonhee) while they have accepted the fact that their other son has a really bad attitude, but hopefully he’ll get better with time.
But the problem is, Yoonhee takes a lot of advantage of this. Acting as Yoongi, he does whatever he wants, breaks things, scolds maids, sometimes even hits or pushes them, throws tantrums for new gadgets every other day. All the blame goes to Yoongi's name, while Yoonhee's name just gets the sympathy. The real Yoonhee even hits Yoongi sometimes, but he never tells the parents about it. Because he wants to be a good brother to his hyung. After all, he is doing all of this for him.


[I still have to write 4 to 5 chaptees don't worry TvT]

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